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AMONG THE THUGS: Genoa and the new language of protest.

David Graeber | 11.08.2001 06:19

The threat of 'real global democracy' is probably the ruling elite's greatest fear, and the unprecedented growth of the movement--Seattle was considered huge at 50,000 protesters; Genoa, a year and a half later, drew perhaps 200,000--must seem utterly terrifying.

David Graeber
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well said

11.08.2001 08:36

spot on, I hope that some one will write a book .
I run a record label and will be doing a CD extra
the ROM will be full of pictures and articles like yours.
I hope all the artists around the world will all contribute tin some way to a no copyright pool of genova G8 related
works so that the terrible scenes will not be brushed under the carpet.


pat the dog

press attitudes

11.08.2001 15:22

The mainstream US press is not worth considering as a reliable source of information. In my researches of the last year into a wide range of issues I have come to see just how much they try to create an image of a world which does not exist. You would think that the US was a nation of Christian Republicans to watch their news. Obviously that is not the case. But when you see media tycoons like Rupert Murdoch changing their nationality for cynical reasons (to be able to buy into baseball) you can get a small handle on the pressures brought to bear by the government on the executive level of these companies and how far behind you have to leave your principles to pursue personal gain in this world.

Ewige blumenkraft


our day will come

11.08.2001 20:19

what to do, well god knows but lets take a look at the situation from another angle, we need more preparation and cunning, at present we have the numbers with us. there is a way yet i dont know how and although i am extremely disgusted with the system i still have hope. from an extremly disgruntled english guy living in vienna.

peter carvello