Share our history across the Generations.
Greenham Women | 10.08.2001 14:14
In 1981 The women on the Greenham Common Peace March from Carddiff went 125 miles some with their children.
They camped out in the open in all weather for 20 years suffered villification, violence, eviction, prosecution and imprisonment to get rid of US Nuclear Ground Launched Cruise Missiles.
These women marchers of all ages were inspired by and learned from the suffragettes who at the turn of the 19th century were also villified,imprisoned, force fed and died to win the vote after decades of broken
promises by their governments.
Lysistrata in ancient Greece said no more sex until men stop war and the older women took over the treasury to stop the purchase of weapons. We are part of an unbroken thread.
At greenham they used imaginative Non Violent Direct Action as Ghandi did in India to wein independence.
The greenham women, many are now grandmothers or in sheltered accomodation and watch watch with interest and admiration the road and tree protests and the events in Seattle and Genoa. How much safer women only protests were. If we don't share and learn from history we relive it.
The young generation of brave protestors are invited to celebrate with the greenham women 20 years of greenham in Cardiff on the 27th of August.
Outside the Cty Hll and then at the Temple of Peace and Health nearby. There will be banners, sculpture of a woman and child and a plaque unveiled, celebratory cake, exhibition of photos and posters, songs, and doves let
fly. Come and join us.

Greenham Women