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a20 - global action day: planned actions...

+++ | 10.08.2001 00:05

Remember August 20th, global action day. There are actions planned till now in following cities. More details on or


Bregenz 20.08. Treffpunkt: 19 Uhr beim Festspielhaus DEMO


Fortaleza 20.08

Sao Paolo 20.08


20.08. Some Genoa-solidarity actions are planned in Finland for 20th of August. More info is to be published here shortly.


Aachen 20.08. 14-20 Uhr: vielfältige Aktionen in der Innenstadt, zentrale Anlaufstelle: Markt abends: Soliparty, nähere Infos vor Ort

Berlin 20.08. es wird aktionen in berlin geben

Bielefeld 20.08. Treffpunkt 16.00 Jahnplatz an der großen Uhr

Uelzen 20.08. 12 bis 18 Uhr: Infostand in der FuZo Altes Rathaus – Bahnhofstraße ab 18 Uhr: Gedenkkundgebung Mahnmal für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus Amtsgericht


Basel 20.08. Claraplatz 19 Uhr G8-Notstand - Carlo Giulani ermordet ! Für den globalisierten Widerstand Gegen Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung


MONDAY, AUGUST 20th @ 12:00 p.m (NOON)
12400 Wilshire Blvd. 4 blocks east of Bundy.



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What really happened in Genoa??

10.08.2001 09:39

I have been following the articles for a few weeks now and i am still confused... The number of dead seems to have sunk, and despite some solidarity for the prisoners, especially those from the UK, there is still very little news or support for those completely unaccounted for after the protests.

There was a list on an earlier thread from germany.indymedia, listing apparently *missing* persons. I presume this means people who have not been heard of since the protests took place! This is extremely serious and without wanting to disrespect prisoners who were tortured, it is a hell of a lot more important.

Can someone please put my mind at rest and assure me that these are not going to be silent victims, 20 or 30 corpses that will not even be recognised by our movement. At the moment many are still quoting the number of dead as just one, but it doesn't feel to me to be very true!

Lets find out the *truth*.

mail e-mail:

reply to cant_cope

10.08.2001 11:54

glad to hear you're alive. 1 dead in Genoa, 1 reported dead at a border crossing/somewhere en route to the protests. Lots of people arrested, especially 'newsworthy' were those in the school who were also beaten quite severely. i think 'missing' should be interepreted with caution - i know of at least one WOMBLE who was reported as missing, but subsequently turned up...i don't know if those to whom the report was made were ever told...

latus (it was fun travelling...)

Ya Basta


Is that everything?

10.08.2001 12:21

Hi mayday medi, I'm aware of the mainstream version of events, about the school and carlos's shooting etc. I didn't know about the person killed at the border, though.

What is confusing me is the message regarding missing persons was dated august 3rd, and listed maybe 50 people. Then there was the urban75 thread i was reading dated from a week after the protests, saying 3 were dead. Then there was the single line in an issue of schnews saying a dead brit had been washed up on the beach at genoa.

This would all be understandable and dismissable in the heat of the moment, when news is flying in all directions but this is all seemingly days or weeks after the event. As it is i would have told you one person died in genoa but should we not be including this border incident?

townie (still confused)

mail e-mail:


10.08.2001 13:54

There have been many reports of people seeing police carrying full body bags out of police stations and hospitals, maybe even the GSF building. I am sure the death toll is higher than one. Will they ever tell the truth? Remeber before the meeting the italians ordered hundreds of fresh body bags and made a new makeshift morgue for potential murdered protesters. Sick Fascist Bastards

Jacks Draw

20th August: Global day of action

10.08.2001 20:26

Whats happening in the UK on the 20th???
please enlighten.



10.08.2001 22:58

...banner drops, street blockades / theatre ...
take your friends and join !
