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YearZero Magazine: BBC Propaganda, Ulster & Macedonia.

YearZero Magazine | 08.08.2001 16:58

Two different takes on the same subject...

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God you anarchists...

08.08.2001 18:26

You think its one big conspiracy. Marxism is a little less bourgouise than this sort of piffle. The BBC are part of the `machine`, yeah sure. Tell me another.


God you Daily Mail readers

08.08.2001 20:14

Perhaps if you'd read the comment properly rather than spouting off on some attack, you'd have seen that the person was wondering why the IRA were regarded as terrorists and the why the Albanian factions in Macedonia were regarded as rebels when both are practically the same.
I thought it a similar comment to the person who mentioned about the Middle East. Where the newsreaders weren't to say 'assasination'.
Nowhere did I see anything about the BBC being, 'part of the machine'.


Brave New World

08.08.2001 21:53

The UN (NWO) are disarming all "rebels" (ie. those who oppose corporate control) often by shooting them, to put guns beyond use for everyone, except them. And it's not a conspiracy, because it's not hidden, it's UN policy.

Tommy Gun

but WHY?

08.08.2001 22:04

To me the big question is WHY does NATO support the Albanians in Macedonia?

Is it for the same geo-political reasons they supported Albanian fighters in Serbia?

I think it was the playwright Pinter who said there's something going on with an oil pipeline from the Caspian to Western Europe, and NATO wants a 'client' state of greater Albania to run it through. Serbia was too loyal to Russia to be trustworthy, I'm not sure what the problem is meant to be with the Macedonians... anyone know any more about this?

By the way this isn't about black helicopter
'conspiracies', it's about the 'great game' where various interests compete for geo-political infuence across the Eurasian continent. If you're in doubt that this game goes on please do a bit more research, e.g. reading Brzezinski's 'The Grand Chessboard' or Chomsky et al.



well done Year zero

09.08.2001 14:47

Nice article. Good magazine too. Well done, keep it up.

Tony K


09.08.2001 15:53

Whatever the reason is, you know there always is a reason when NATO takes sides like this.... and that reason is guaranteed to relate to trade interests of some sort...


LB's comment

09.08.2001 18:04

LB's comment confuses me. Does anyone know what he's on about? There is nothing "bourgouise" (sic) about suggesting that the BBC is used by the state for propaganda purposes. I think both Marxists and anarchists would agree!
