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BNP leaders home number

Nazi hater | 07.08.2001 23:21

Here they are give him a little call

Nick Griffin leader of the BNP

home: 01938 820 198

or : 01938 820 560

mobile : 0781 332 8955

Nazi hater


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Open Letter

08.08.2001 01:52

Dear Nick, When I left Glasgow fifteen years ago, they were celebrating the fact that it was a multicultural city, with the ‘Glasgow Smiles Better’ campaign, and it was.

The vehemence behind the popular Glaswegian term “Paki” was gone, to such an extent it had become a term of endearment. Fourth generation Pakistani’s are so well integrated, they have a preference for ‘fish-suppers’ while Scotland’s national dish is curry. They call themselves, Scottish-Asians and we eat popadoms with our haggis.

Inter-racial marriage in the community is not uncommon, with either party adopting the others cultural or religious beliefs. And for Asians who still arrange marriages, that’s progress, tolerance and acceptance.

So when I heard about the racial incitement in England by the BNP, I thought, this CAN’T happen north of the border. How can a Glaswegian pick a fight with an Asian who would reply, “See you Jimmy,” and stick the nut in?

But the BNP are very cunning, they ‘targetted’ the most recent asylum seekers, the Eastern Europeans who Tony Blair passionately appealed for us to open our hearts and doors to, during the NATO invasion, and then dumped in Sitehill, Glasgow, where unemployment, poverty, drugs and deprivation makes the residents envy Third World ghettos.

By leafleting these impoverished areas, fueling resentment and prejudices, the BNP got the backlash and result they hoped for. But look how woefully ill equipt and unprepared the Strathclyde Police Force were, to handle agitated Glaswegians, whatever their background or grievances! Because there is NO justification for riot cops in Scottish towns, so they must create one. That’s where the National Front comes in.

Jock McKay

ta very much

08.08.2001 14:11

ta very much for his details, i will pass them onto my local irsp, member and our local community centre were holding our annual feile. bernadette is delighted it will keep us entertained for hours.


Why write to Griffin?

08.08.2001 15:15

Why did you write to that fascist pig anyway, Jock? Trying to appeal to a conscience he plainly doesn't have; he's been convicted for inciting racial hatred.

Someone else