Be very cautious - i-Contact Video had a run-in with channel 4 recently (reported on this site - put i-Contact and Channel 4 into the search engine and it should come up) which basically involved censorship leading to i-Contact not being able to slag off or even mention any corporations in a piece on subvertising - in teh end they pulled the film and lost a lot of work ratehr than produce media-whore-shite
fuck this - c4 (as all corporate media) want to cream off footage/tap ideas from a major chunk of society they cannot understand - then (as ever) they will fuck you/us over with the same reactionary spin. Fuck em!!!
All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society's mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance. guy debord
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Be Cautious
07.08.2001 14:09
fuck channel four
07.08.2001 20:04
really nice people
08.08.2001 00:35
guy debord
the cur