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Kissinger must be PUT ON TRIAL

tom | 05.08.2001 22:00

US Angry as Chile Asks Kissinger about death (Telegraph)

Let's try some pro US dictators (letter to Times)



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isn't he one of those lizard people ?

06.08.2001 07:01

hey, be nice to think that there was a possibility that the real criminals of the world could be brought to justice .
Kissinger would surely be No 1 on the wanted list, wouldn't he ? probably have to face hundreds of charges,
we can only dream on, it would be fantastic ..

perhaps we could draw up a list of the top ten most wanted
people and send it to errr ..


Son's of Belial

06.08.2001 09:03

First there is no such thing as 'lizard people' except in David Icke's amateur interpretation of ancient myths. These warmongers are simply Satanists.

Milosovic had his country ivaded by NATO, for an assault on Muslims in the FYR, and was dragged off to the Hague. Ariel Sharon, using the same initiative against Muslims, calls it 'active defence' to kill 'terrorists' (children) before they act, and is admired for his 'restraint.'

Not one country in the 'Free World' has voiced disapproval or comdemned Israeli attrocities.

Henry Kissinger is a distinguished 'servant' of America and so exempt from accountability. How has he served America? By starting wars, in Vietnam, Cambodia, South America and every African country, bar none!

While he should have been on trial for the genocide of millions and the diplacement, torture and suffering of billions, he got the Nobel Peace Prize.

That sums up our World.


get it right...

07.08.2001 17:17

First of all let me state that I support the Palestinians in their justified struggle against the Israeli settlers and state, and I condemn Western governments' failure to help the Palestinians. But you might as well get the facts right - many countries in the 'Free World', including the UK, are indeed voicing their disapproval of the Israeli's current methods of murdering Palestinians with helicopter gunships and stuff like that.
