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Sartorial Assassini???

DB | 03.08.2001 12:31

Newswire copy of Italian Police comemorative T-Shirts

(This one from the wires)


Red faces in Italy over Genoa teeshirt

Police in Bologna have been wearing a teeshirt which
celebrates their participation in the policing operation at
last month's Genoa summit, Italian newspaper La Repubblica
web site reported on Wednesday.

The garment bears the image of a protester on the ground
with a stone in his hand, and a policeman on top of him.
Under the image a caption says: "G8, Genoa, July 2001. I was

Seventy men in Bologna police's mobile unit, which sent 270
men to Genoa, had the shirts printed last Thursday.

"Those who wear and print this teeshirt are not technically
committing any crime but the matter, which, for obvious
reasons, is inappropriate, is causing serious
embarrassment," the web site added.

Source: La Repubblica web site, Rome, in Italian 1206 gmt 1
Aug 01

BBC Mon NF Newsfile fm

011340 Aug 01



Display the following 2 comments

  1. state do as state police do — jules
  2. Pissed off with non-violent direct action — Daniel Brett