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my girl came home from genoa **

waiting for sid | 03.08.2001 07:02

my girl came home from genoa

my girl - 20, bright eyed, beautiful, dedicated, full of tender spirit - went to Genoa and came back - 3 days ago. she's a different girl now. her beautiful bright eyes have seen, her dedicated, tender spirit endured. it's not that she's a broken spirit, it's just that she's broken hearted. she's keeping herself going. brave, big, beautiful, disciplined heart she is. but her eyes tell you the full tale of the shadows. no words, but look at her eyes, man... this pain in these once so bright eyes. i would do anything just to make these eyes shine again the way they used to shine. anything, man.

waiting for sid
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brightness returns..

03.08.2001 10:25

give her a hug. and another. be patient kind and strong.
what does not kill us makes us stronger.

with love