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Blairian : It's True, Globalisation slows economic growth

za | 03.08.2001 06:21

New research shows that economic growth worldwide has actually slowed during the era of globalisation. In a powerful new paper, The Emperor Has No Growth, a group of researchers in Washington challenges the conventional view of history. They have drawn up a globalisation scorecard. Between 1980 and 2000 there was "a very clear decline in progress".

- Homepage:,3604,531451,00.html


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03.08.2001 12:38

The purpose of the G8 meeting was to assist Africa, what have they actually done? Cancelled the debt? Installed solar power in every village. Provided schools with materials and facilities? Improved hospitals and provided them with medicines, equiptment or artificial limbs for amputees and land mine victims? Have they redistributed the territory seized by Rhodes, to the native populations?

The 'news' announced last night that chemtrails can retain moisture in clouds and stop it long have they been doing this in East Africa? Afghanistan is having the worst drought in living memory, funny that! But then the moisture retained by chemtrails, is dumped somewhere else, like a flood. Then they need massive loans from the World Bank to rebuild ruined infrastructure.

The only thing the G8 will do for Africa is send the UN to disarm them, and leave them defenceless and wide open for Globalisation, unable to resist.


But thats not why were against neoliberalism

03.08.2001 15:35

The logic of this argument is insane. So neo-liberalism is wrong because it slows economic growth? That would imply that it would be OK if it had accelerated it. This is nonsense! It is a form of the old liberal strategy of trying to argue that neo-liberalism is inefficient within the logic of capitalism. You know the one, how much it is costing the US to imprison kids from the ghetto compared to how much less it would cost to give them an education and make them into gainfully employed taxpayers, etc. This attempt to criticise capitalist strategy using capitalist terms is not judo, it's junk. The capitalist article of faith that economic growth = progress = good is just that, an article of faith, dogma even. Our antagonism towards the current neo-liberal strategy and capitalism in general is, and can only be, founded in the real life experience of real people. The real life experience of masses of people around the world of the last 20 years has been one of increasing poverty, exploitation, loss of land and environment, state repression and so on. It is that experience from which our resistence comes. The question of whether this experience has been paralleled by a bigger or lesser increase in GDP and other statistical yardsticks, is irrelvant. The spreadsheet figures of academics and researchers cannot determine the "greatest good for the greatest number" by scientific enquiry divorced from the subjective experience and will of the world's people. The economic issue is at one and the same time an empowerment issue. Power to the people, not the economy (still less economists).

Paul B

oops - script bug

03.08.2001 15:50

whoops, sorry folks - the add comment script has a bug in it saying that it hadn't added my post when it (obviously had). Next poster beware - if you get a reported fail, check it hasn't added the post anyway.

Paul B