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Extreme Capitalism[tm] | 03.08.2001 02:29

capitalism vs. Extreme Capitalism

I was in tokyo at the time of the G8 summit. The english speaking press there ran the headline "G8 meeting: leaders agree to disagree"; and then went on to list climate change, AIDS, economics and a range of other things that were discussed during the meeting. It said something along the lines of "Violent protests will not be tolerated and were prepared for". I was only there for a short time but that's all I saw during my two days of reading the paper.

The reporting of violence at all of these summits has been the focus of most of the media. But I was quite warmed when my uncle, a proud capitalist said "I agree with what you're protesting against, just not the way you do it". The buzz came from the first part of his sentence (obviously) and that's why the anti-capitalist movement has spread so widely.

People do agree that Extreme Capitalism and corporate rule has become dangerously expansive. even ordinary capitalists are concerned about the future, the environment and the range of issues that extreme capitalism disregards.

As for the media only reporting on the violence... well, the
average TV viewer still wants to know why there are protestors on the street...

I think it's good outreach to explain to your capitalist matesand family the difference between their wanting to
make a profit from their labours; and the evils that are
carried out under the name of Neo-Liberal Trade: Extreme

When you say "Capitalism Kills! Kill Capitalism!" i feel you're distancing people, but when you point out some of the problems caused by Extreme Capitalism, I think you've got a better outreach tool.


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The correct term for extreme capitalism !

04.08.2001 09:03

It is fascism.

Fascism is after all just a development of capitalism.

The Italians used to call it "estato corporatista" or
the corporate state.

People know so little about fascism because fascism's
history has been so extensively revised [and hidden]

The advent of the cold war just after WW2 prevented
big business war criminals from being prosecuted. It
would not have fit or proper if capitalism's best
brains were tried for war crimes in the face of the
growing 'red' threat.

"They were needed to fight the cold war" their spin doctors claimed.

So, the biggest American, European, Japanese corporate
owners, and directors were never prosecuted for financing Hitler, Mussolini or for creating and mongering war on the rest of humanity.

Quite recently however the World Jewish Council has been
very successful at bringing class action law suits against
many of these companies-who have been forced to pay out for
using slave labourers. It is not the punishment they deserve
butit is better than nothing.

All the names of the companies are on the net. Look up
pay-outs+slave labour+companies+Jewish in search engines.

There is a fascinating story behind the fascism of WW2
which is unknown and hidden. We are seeing it repeated
again but this time they are calling it globalisation.

Big business is always behind war making. War is good for
business and makes handsome profits.

Look up big business + fascism in seach engines.


big business, fascism & capitalism

04.08.2001 11:15

I agree with you there on all of your points !
capitalism does indeed lead to fascism...

but i'm talking about something else: Outreach.

Activists have all seen how the corporate media
covers the protest movement - it's so easy for them
to show a single protestor smashing windows; an image
which distances activists from 'main-stream society'.

So, I'm talking about distancing the big business
world from main-stream society by using a new term:
Extreme Capitalism.

There's a lot of normal
people trying to decide quite regularly whether
to vote left or right wing. a lot of middle ground
players. I'm using the term Extreme Capitalism to
create a distance between normal people and the big
bad world of evil, greedy and dangerous global corporatism.


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