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Black Bloc Tactics Communique

sean, but i didn't write it! | 02.08.2001 21:55

F. A Communiqué On Tactics And Organization To The Black Bloc, From Within The Black Bloc. (Second Amended Addition) *July 2001, From Somewhere in The Mid-west *

sean, but i didn't write it!


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hey you psy-ops guys are keeping busy!

02.08.2001 23:24

It will be interesting to find out one day which branch of the federal govt in the US organized a psychological-operations unit to tackle the counter-globalization movement. This stuff is laughable, something which reads like the unabomber on a bad day. Dont believe a word of it-- just keep organizing, keep building the movement

Back in the 60s, the FBI under J Edgar Hoover ran a group of ultra hard-core, left of Mao Tse Tung guys, aimed at splitting and wrecking the Black Panthers and other elements of the New Left. So kids, can we spot their equivalents today??

bullshit detector


03.08.2001 06:22

maoism, fascism, stalinism, cheism, and what ever ism. hierachical, militarical, hysterical and what ever -ical. not a single line in this nonsense is dedicated to 'the people' the Black Bloc claims to figh for. that's what i call true radical chic!! people? what's that? a commodity. remind ya of italy's past...

italy's past. and genoa's present. proletarian genoa, remind you! a stronghold of what you could call the post-II war italian proletariat. thats where the summit took place. accident?

feels like pp pasolini's 101 Days Of Sodom is comimg back to haunt italy (and many people outside italy). guys in black (fascist/bloc) uniforms enjoying their vicitims fear and pain. banging their hatred, their sexism, rascim, classicm onto their bloody silly skulls, into their bloody silly heads. "silly cunts, these bloody people, kick the shit out of them, comrade. silly cunts these masses, bloody useless and weak proletariat". (question: is the term proletarian an insult or an antiquity these days?).

the borders between right and left getting constantly blured here in italy and in many other countries. cultivated nations, proud of their culture and their family values. but, what about this unholy alliance. from the days of our fathers and grandfathers and grandgrandfathers to our here and now. mussolini fancied himself being a true socialist. a third way man already - so to speak!

just heart the morning news: 3 italian policemen involved in genoa 'are removed from their posts'. the third way alliance is taking the piss, don't they? the small guys again. it works and works since ages like this.

have no more tears. cried to much already. only spells are left: curse you, black blocs, fascists, secret police guys, opportunist cowards, whatever your name - curse the whole lot of ya!

mail e-mail:


03.08.2001 16:48

What's the deal with the slagging off of the black bloc these days?
Most of what I have heard has been bad, but, like the link supplied, when you go direct the story is different.
Have the slaggers forgotten the old adage, Divide and conquer?

- Homepage:

slagging off black bloc

03.08.2001 18:32

division, seperation, marginalisation - all of it is bad. everybody should be aware of this by now and one must confront it whenever one comes across it. i just hope that the black bloc blokes + girls are aware of 'strength through unity' too. talking unity: i do think that openess from the bbs side would be much more intersting (well, exactly here and now!) than the various files with 'secret texts from a secret meeting ...' currently in circulation. never mind if i can identify with particular politics or not, i will be always wary about groups with an too exclusive, too secretive attitude.

mail e-mail:

i was just pasting it

03.08.2001 21:25

I just posted the article because I fount it interesting and thought it would be good to put it up here. I got it from Go check it out. I don't know if this is police bullshit or whatever


common sense

07.08.2001 22:06

this makes alot of sense, it is essential to know yur enemy and who u iz dealin wif, ie the globla elite/state. they will not tolerate dissent or protest any longer. the state/global rich elite mastersg8 will use any force necessary to obliterate protest at any cost. playin the pasifit victim/matyr hood is nolonger a tacticaloption,it is better to have a live anarchist than a dead matyr, and it wud be foolish and highly negligent of organisers of protests to delude and lead protestors,like lambs to the slaughter, unorganised and undefended. it iz an intelligent option to actually train physically, in order to run and also to withstand at some point the brutality of the pigs. to be alert, to know when to get the fuck out of places and also to be able to get the fuck out of places using your legs. martial arts are not the domain of the rich and the pigs any longer. martial arts are for everybody any age and any physical profile. these people are not advocating the use of WEAPONS AGAINST THE STATE BUT COMMON SENSE. why should the state hold all the trump cards, wif regards to orgainisation and security. why cant we get the better of them and give them a taste of their own medicine. its payback time. why should the profile of a protestor be generally hippie and middle class, as if the workin class is too thick to participate. violence is part of every working class community. it iz our reality and why not become masters of violence, wif martial arts we can control our violence, there is no true martial artist i know that is a sadist. all martial artists know how to control violence levels. unlike the babarian cowardly animal pigs. i think some of the comments followin are by people who are scared. scared of people taking care of themselves, scared of the workin class organising and takin control of their own destinies. and proletariat is a term used by intellectuals not the ordinary workin class. there is no possible use for such a word and i certainly wud not know or want to know the fuckin meanin of it, it explains itself politicial bullshit. in my cuntry the state has a counter insurgence unit the FRU, they infiltrate and generally fuck up anythink, they will do anythink to generate adverse publicity for yur causin the worst possible propaganda disaster. as seen in my cuntry, when an pig informant gave his pig handlers details of the omagh bomb 3 days before the bomb, nuffink was done to stop the bomb and opps the pigs "accidently"herded civilians into the wrong area to avoid the bomb. such iz the pigs concern for the general safety and well being of the public, needless to say the pig informant dumped the bomb in the wrong target area. but lets us not forget, PIG VIOLENCE MURDERED CARLO GUILANI and PIGS also beat up and tortured protestors.
