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Genoa and the World Capitalist Crisis

Fred Goldstein / Workers World | 02.08.2001 18:20

The ruling class is watching in dismay the determined and persistent growth of a youthful, ascending, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist movement, while each new economic report brings with it renewed confirmation of the descending spiral of the world capitalist economy.

Fred Goldstein / Workers World
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fuck off to all heroes

03.08.2001 07:42

what a heroic, bolshewic nonsense this text is. is it that 'the people' can survice of air and struggle only? all other human requirements, needs are hereby denied? by verdict of who are you people, trying to tell others how they are supposed to fight, how to look (youthful...?), think, act? tell me, who are you? denying people their sorrows and their pain and all these things that make us humans to humans?

ah, enough of the whole lot of ya! trying to dictate, trying to benefit by claiming being 'workers', while the majority of ya are nothing but trustafarians, salon revolutionaries - bloody elitist dickheads longing for the perfect heroes. are you having a good wank than? here is my finger for ya ass!! **

waiting for sid
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Wankers of the world unite

03.08.2001 22:29

Fancy article. Didn't sell many papers this month then, comrade?

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