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Loony Lobby's Genoa Protestors Code of Conduct

za | 02.08.2001 09:03

The New Economics Foundation is a Blairite think tank/Lobby which pretends to be advocating a sustainable type of New Economy which marries social awareness with profit. They are the sort of people who get rich, and have a fairly easy life... in a job which seems to have the effect to hinder more justifiable strategies (like ours!) to generate real, lasting sustainable change. Should we try and work with them?

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NEF glad they are there

02.08.2001 11:46

Just had a quick butchers as NEF. I agreed with a lot of what they said regarding global capitalism and i am glad they are there giving a voice to people who previously felt silenced. I feel this way because i think it is important to fight globalization on all fronts: political, social, ngo, mainstream media, etc. the more fronts we fight on the bigger the chance of victory (or improvement). because i think we should fight on every front i found their protestors code of conduct daft. Who are they to tell us how to protest? Its great that they can get so many people on a demo but if their had been no civil disobediance in genoa (have to admit i wasn't there) then there would only have been thrity seconds on the news. however distasteful, the violence in genoa achieved a lot. there must however be space for peaceful christians etc to protest in peace without threat from agent provocateurs and police. yep i'm glad the nef exist.

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Oh come on

02.08.2001 13:58

U might think NEF is a reformist NGO but I respect a lot of their work and they do bring quite radical thinking to tables that others could never reach.

As to the principles of protest thing, well GSF had a pretty similar list of guidelines for non violence.


fair dincum

02.08.2001 16:08

let the nef do they're thing and we'll do ours. i think we are on the same side (even if that sort are a bit sanctimonious at times)
