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The rigged missile defense test

Joe Conason | 02.08.2001 09:00

The target destroyed in the "successful" defense shield test contained a global positioning satellite beacon that made it easier to detect. Why has the media mostly ignored the story?

"July 31, 2001 | The Pentagon and the Bush administration are determined to sell the American people a national missile defense system that will probably increase tensions with allies and adversaries and will surely cost more than $100 billion. Their latest marketing exercise took place on the evening of July 14, when a "kill vehicle" launched from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific smashed into a rocket sent up from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

"Precisely according to plan, the target was instantly vaporized on impact -- and along with it, or so the Pentagon's uniformed salesmen hoped, the perennial concern that missile defense won't work. With the cooperation of major news organizations and conservative pundits, that test provided an enormous propaganda boost to the Bush proposal, which conveniently enough had been brought up to Capitol Hill by Defense Department officials just two days earlier.

"There was only one thing that all the happy salesmen forgot to mention about their latest test drive. The rocket fired from Vandenberg was carrying a global positioning satellite beacon that guided the kill vehicle toward it. In other words, it would be fair to say that the $100 million test was rigged. "

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Joe Conason
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02.08.2001 14:52

I'm not sure about this article, not least because they tried a similar ploy the last 3! times. But this is not my point. OK, so if NMD were REALLY used against nukes (or even really *intended* for use against nukes rather than furthering strategic domination with an enhanced first-strike capability - NMD is just a trial itself for full TMD [theatre missile defense] both ground, air and space based) I wonder how bad the side effects would be. The biggest threat of satellite launches is explosions scattering radioactive material around the globe. Nukes tend to use quite a lot of plutonium, as near as damn it the most toxic material on earth.

A few nukes are intercepted, vaporised, and clouds of pure plutonium are released into the atmosphere. Side effects?

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