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The Blairian's Rome correspondant digs deeper hole

za | 02.08.2001 05:55

Remember Philip Willan,( The Blairian's Rome correspondant, well he's at it again, here's today's effort on the call to hand over tapes and images of the demonstrators. Bad effects on journalists, "journalists will be increasingly identified as part of the problem rather than as professionals who try to record what is happening. And this is very dangerous." Good!

Here's some links to his previous unsubtle meanderings, think it must be time for The Blairian management to get him out of there, clearly not up to the job.

Remember Philip Willan,( The Blairian's Rome correspondant, well he's at it again, here's today's effort on the call to hand over tapes and images of the demonstrators. Bad effects on journalists, "journalists will be increasingly identified as part of the problem rather than as professionals who try to record what is happening. And this is very dangerous." Good!

Here's some links to his previous unsubtle meanderings, think it must be time for The Blairian management to get him out of there, clearly not up to the job.

This one was post Genoa
"The unacceptable face of protest
The scenes witnessed at the G8 summit in Genoa raise some serious questions about the future of the anti-globalisation movement, writes Philip Willan
Having watched the trashing of Genoa from a safe distance, in Rome, I might have expected to reflect on the events there over the weekend with dispassionate calm. Instead, I have been surprised at the virulence of the feelings of disgust, anger and bellicosity that the violent images arouse.
And they haven't been directed at the police, despite plentiful evidence of their wholesale brutality. What has struck me is the singular impenitence of the leaders of the Genoa Social Forum (GSF), who organised the anti-G8 rallies and created the circumstances that led to the city's devastation"
Capturing dissent
Italian directors to film G8 summit in Genoa
"The government has launched a charm offensive to stifle any potential anarchist violence at the summit through a strategy of attention...The government hopes its assurances that dissent will enjoy a high visibility in Genoa will eliminate the protesters' desire to drive home their point with violence." hmmmmmm
How should we approach individuals like tis who write such awful crap? Are they at fault as individuals or just products of the system? should we try and "talk them round" individually?, harass them? or target their employers and owners?
Q. Who owns The Blairian? (serious answers please)

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Wilan's previous seemers

02.08.2001 09:10

This clown Wilan is a very doggy charcter. About ten yours ago he wrote a book called the Puppet Masters, about the 'Stratagy of Tension' in Italy (For a review of the book, see the review of this book by Larry O'Hara in issue 23 of Lobster Magazine ) Whilst useful for Engish readers, the book didn't say anything that wasn't already known about, and was marred by outragous disinfrormation - aledging that the Autonomist intellectual Tony Negry was an FBI agent with out the slightest evidence (a case of the cat calling the kettle black?) - and a childish and reactionary tone - the Us 'Zero Work' collective were labelled 'preachers of evil'!

Harry Roberts
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Q: Who owns the Blairian? Serious answers ple

02.08.2001 10:38

Serious answer:-

The Scott Trust [] - and their manifesto makes ironic reading in light of their reportage since El Presidente came to second term...


Tony Blair's New Labour government was elected in June with the direct support of less than 25% of the population eligible to vote. (It's now official - 23%) His recent comments at the EU & G8 fiascos on due democratic process do not bear scrutiny now these figures are disclosed. He does not have a mandate. This is not democracy.

Just to rub it in - 77% of the voting public did NOT put this simplistic right wing fanatic back in power...

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Willan's previous Smears

02.08.2001 12:03

This clown Willan is a very doggy character. He knows very well what the Italian state is capable of, having ten years ago written a book called the 'Puppet Masters' about the 'Strategy of Tension' in Italy (see the review of this book by Larry O'Hara in issue 23 of Lobster Magazine ) Whilst useful for English readers who didn't know about the activities of the Italian ruling class and their 'intelligence service' thugs - i.e. the bombing of the Piazza Fontana in 1969, the assassination of Aldo Moro, the bombing of Bologna railway station in 1980, various other bombings and assassinations ostensibly carried out by extra-parliamentary groups of the Left and Right, and the role of the 'P2' Masonic lodge (of which Berlusconi is/was a member) in all this mayhem. Willan's book didn't say anything of substance that wasn't already in the public domain. Most interestingly, the book was marred by outrageous disinformation (e.g. alleging that the Autonomist intellectual Tony Negry was an FBI agent with out the slightest evidence - a case of the cat calling the kettle black? - and a childish, reactionary tone - the Autonomist inclining US 'Zero Work' collective were labeled 'preachers of evil'!) It’s worth doing a search on the Guardian web site under Willan’s name. This shows just how well he know what the Italian state is capable of, and therefore just what a lying scumbag he is.

Anyone interested in the Strategy of Tension should check out these links:-

Harry Roberts
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