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pedophile hysteria satirized online!

sagitta | 01.08.2001 23:04

In an online downloadable show that could not be produced in mainstream or "alternative" media in the u.s.a., England's "Channel 4" has just become a pioneer for DARING to take on the ONE issue which even the most *devout* "radicals" and "anti-authoritarians" foam at the mouth over

pedophile hysteria satirized online!
pedophile hysteria satirized online!

Therapeutic states and their Devout followers of the world will soon be homing in upon Channel 4, the UK's pre-eminent hell-raising satire TV show. Why? Because this station has recently DARED to air the kind of program that is NOT ALLOWED to be even THOUGHT ABOUT.

"Insightfully, probably 90% of today's so-called 'radicals' and 'anti-authoritarians' play right into the hands of the therapeutic state," commented Fred Flynnstone after contemplating the uproar that this article would provoke in the u.s.a. "These strategically challenged persons just show how easily manipulated they are by the actual system of things. While they whine and sow their pretty priviledged wild oats at *acceptable targets*--often quite topical in nature, they completely miss out on how they are being fooled by the professional wolves in sheeps' clothing."

"Granted, the standard disclaimer has to be spoken," said an anonymous college professor delivering pizza at 4th and Main. "We're of course not saying that there's NO actual abuse of people; we're saying that one side of the truth is not being allowed to be heard and understood, as in all hysteria campaigns."

See and hear Channel 4's show now:
(first part)
(second part)
Both parts are pretty short and work on your Real Player

NOTE: links may not work directly, so go to // and then look for similar urls as above (scroll down a bit)

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Hide the following 7 comments

channel 4

01.08.2001 23:50

see fellini's satyricon, william burroughs writings, ancient greek olympiad - repression on the part of the male population

dwight heet
mail e-mail:


02.08.2001 00:07

you should ban these fuckers ip's! who the fuck is running this site letting shit like the above be printed? and plz don't give the 'freedom of speech'crap back!:(


its nothing to do with paedophilia

02.08.2001 00:12

its to do with societal stances - once dennis the menace used to give society a just revenge thru slippering- and that was acceptable throughout the land - especially at Eton - see Paul Foots account - thats why pedophilia is so connected with s/m in the public mind. also that jason paper boy who was tortured and killed-not ok stuff_ see also the bulger killers - that had a lot of sexual stuff around - didnt it? discuss

dwight heet


02.08.2001 00:22

calm down this. its just a topic about in society. you are aware of the results of the news of the screws campaign. dont join em. relax and discuss - from not a pedophile

dwight heet
mail e-mail:

another repressor!

02.08.2001 09:56

Ban! That's the only solution you can think of? You are the one that should be banned. Problmes are solved woth MORE words, not LESS.

Less outrage and more brains...


Child sexual abuse is abuse

02.08.2001 13:40

I thought Chris Morris was brilliant at taking apart some of the hypocrisy around the media and government treatment of child sexual abuse, but this is being used here as an excuse to promote just such abuse.

I've known adults wanting sex with children to get involved in anarchist/libertarian scenes because it's a culture where you can go on about 'childhood sexuality', 'freedom of expression' and 'questioning straight society' in order to promote the sexual abuse of children as something liberating and anarchistic. It's exploitative shit, period.

Please be wary of people demanding the 'right' to promote the 'consensual' exploitation of children. There's nothing liberating about it



02.08.2001 16:15

Channel 4 is the actual TV channel, the name of the program is "Brass Eye". Get it right if you're going to write about it.
