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S-Top Hopping!

marco | 01.08.2001 00:22

about the (non-)sense of summithopping

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Qatar not so far...

01.08.2001 17:12

Right. So. Qatar. Far away, desert and bad on human rights!

So protest / hold positive actions in local communities, using networks like Indy Media to demonstrate the links between issues in one country, acorss the world.

Help the movements to become more self aware, and evolve.

local boy

"B the change that U want 2C in the world!"

01.08.2001 17:51

marco rightly suggests some sensible alternative to summit hopping. But I do feel that there is a place within the movement for these big protests. These protests let the politicians know we are angry. So I would say this: protest at the summits AND do the things marco has suggested, on a local level.

Finally, I will leave you with a quote from Gandhi.

"Be the change that you want to see in the world"


you do not mean ignore the dangers do you?

03.08.2001 10:04

lots of people say you can do both and i agree, although i think summit-protests should have a lot smaller role within the anti-capitalist movement. I also think it makes more sense to autoriarian reformist- and 'anti capitalist' to focus on mass demonstrations then it does to anti-autoriarians.
The point is however that saying there are some good points but... does NOT answer to the mensioned dangers/problems which exist with summithopping protests. Everyone is aware of the fact that we have achieved great things the last few years and if we do not want to loose the gains we have to keepon renewing our (@) strategies and stay uncontrolable, surprising our oponents. Blindly repeting the same protests around every summit is not smart at all.
