Hang the newt loving fucker
crapman | 31.08.2001 14:14
Ken Livingstone mayor of capitalist london is daring to speak at the UK Green Party Conference in September
We understand that notred Ken Livingstone, mayor of London,and backer of the met Police and opponent of all May Day activists and anarchists is speaking at 1.30 0n Friday 14th September at the Green Party Annual Conference at Salisbury Arts Centre, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Just remember what this bastard did in the run up to May Day in London, characterising RTS amongst others as thugs,and backing the Met Police and media in the run-in and aftermath. His race advisor Lee Jasper called for May Day activists to be arrested for "conspiracy". If you were one of the activists held for over 8 hours in Oxford Circus or elsewhere or one of the many activists truncheoned by the real thugs, isn't it about time that you vented your anger and revenge at the man most responsible - Livingstone. This craven pro-capitalist bastard is daring to speak at an ostensibly green event - the Green Party should be ashamed to share a platform with this shit and we owe it to arrested comrades to do something about this. Some of us will be there to oppose him. Will you? Leave messages and mobile contact numbers - be aware of special branch and other interest 0- and we will contact you accordingly. A big turnout in Salisbury to oppose (and more) Ken Livingstone will show the authorities that the Mayday movement is still strong, vibrant, imaginative, rebellious and optimistic. Venceremos.
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Worth discussing WITHOUT insults
31.08.2001 19:06
Now few (if any) radical environmentalists believe that solutions to our environmental problems exist within capitalism and this can be (mis)taken for direct opposition to capitalism. But it really isn't, and many of these same people would perhaps be willing to accept a capitalist solution IF ONE EXISTED. In other words, being "green" doesn't make one "left" per se, though many people who care about the environment ALSO care about human justice.
From the other direction, there is little or no reason the greens should expect randomly selected members of the "left" to be at all concerned about the environment. Again there presumably are many people who are concerned both for human justice AND for the (non-human) environment.
What I am being critical of here is NOT the call to attack the mayor in this venue (ie: "leftists" should not have to forebear just because this is the venue of an erstwhile ally). But that's no reason to attack the "greens" for being false GREENS for inviting an anti-left speaker. They are false greens only if his environmental credentials are lacking. Or to proceed directly from the title you used, what's his position with regard to NEWTS (and what's yours that you think yourself more fit as an ENVIRONMENTAL speaker).
Dead ken lotto
31.08.2001 20:42