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Bilderberg and the Club of Rome

Luther Blissett | 31.08.2001 08:01

The meetings are shrouded in such secrecy that Prime Minister Tony Blair, when asked last year in the House of Commons, failed to disclosed his own attendance at Bilderberg in Athens in 1993.

Luther Blissett
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31.08.2001 14:51

We have mass demo's at IMF,WTO,WB,WEF etc. Why not Bilderburg, Trilateral Commission (etc) where REAL decisions are made? Just a thought.

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Find dem

31.08.2001 15:54

How we will find dem. Its one of the most kept secrets. I am ready to come against dem, but where and when? I would be wonderful to find dem and bring it to sunlight. I stone could do it.


it may be harder after Spotlight's demise...

01.09.2001 21:05

Jim Tucker of the far right rag Spotlight used to be the only one who found out, usually about 8-10 weeks B4 the meetings. Spotlight has "folded" (not a bad thing in most respects) meaning Jim has no outlet, as yet, for his info. I'm sure he will put it on the net. Join the PEPIS list @ They usually have details well B4 the meeting date, including hotel details and travel etc. There was a small gathering of anti-glob protesters in Sweden last year, but nothing of any significance.

The Left should reclaim this one from the fascist scum.
