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H | 30.08.2001 08:35

Australia is showing its ugly face – it deserves to be slapped!



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30.08.2001 09:47

This is part of something I posted here a while ago (pre Genoa) but I thought it was appropriate to repost it.


I am an economic migrant. As a white Australian with dual British nationality I have the ability to travel, work and live in the wealthiest countries in the world. I came from Australia to the UK and Europe to live and work in a country of my choosing.

Because of the colour of my skin and the birth place of my parents, borders across Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world disappear or at least become insignificant hurdles. I don't have to hide in the back of lorries, fearful for my life, not knowing what lies ahead but knowing that what lies behind is misery and deprivation. I don't have to travel thousands of miles on crowded boats, begging to be allowed on shore. I won't be 'dispersed' across the country, locked in detention centres like Campsfield in Oxfordshire and bullied by Group 4 thugs in squalid conditions. I won't be forced to live on vouchers.

At the same time as governments around the world open up their markets to allow greater freedom of movement for business they continue to deny the same freedom to the workers. Whilst they happily ship their weapons to warring countries they refuse to house the very people whose lives they've helped destroy.

We need to organise not only a boycott of Australian products, but we need to start lobbying the embassy. Storm it. Burn the fucker to ground. But we can't stop there. This is not an 'Australian' problem, this is a despicable world wide problem that we need to put an end to.

Open up the borders. Close the Jails.


This is stuff that mostly relates to Europe but it is still worth looking at: Wire Capitalism for more information on

mail e-mail:


30.08.2001 11:19

The Australian aboriginies should all stand up and declare the white settlers to be illegal immigrants, put them all on a small boat, give them all dyssentry and tell them to move to Indonesia !

Please everyone register your disgust at state racism by emailing the Australian government. Instructions on how to email the Prime Minister of Australia are above, but a lot of relevent links can be found here as well:


Save the Boat People!!!!

30.08.2001 14:22

Look to the history of Afghanistan's wars and whose intervention destabilised this country, then look to Indonesia and find the same perpetrators of genocide supporting General Suharto, Mengistu, Amin, Pinochet and every other mass murderer. Then ask yourself why people are risking their lives to flee for home, only to find themselves treated like stray dogs and detained like criminals. Where are the real criminals who should be detained? Sitting comfortably in the Pentagon, issuing orders.

The Australians are using people's lives to score points and political advantage, pandering to the insecurities of racists, in time for election day.
