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A20 actions in Bristol.

Bristol Action | 28.08.2001 11:41

Info on previously unpublished actions that occured in Bristol for A20 day of action.

On Saturday the 18th of August the Italian Consulate in Bristol was targetted by activists in solidarity with all who participated in the resistance against the G8 summit in Genoa. Under the cover of darkness the consulate was broken into, windows smashed, files destroyed, office equipment damaged and important documents mysteriosly vanished. In addition the office walls were adorned with clear messages to the Italian government demanding the release of all remaining prisoners arrested during the summit. On A20 Bristol police staion was covered in grafiti. The messages read "Genoa 2001- Police violence knows no borders- Assassi. All cops are killers" in recognition of the fact that the police are a tool of all states across the globe and the events in Genoa were simply a clear manifestation of the universal function of police. OUR RESISTANCE IS NOT JUST AGAINST THE ITALIAN POLICE COMPLICIT WITH THEIR GOVERNMENT BUT AGAINST THE CONTINUAL OPPRESSION OF US ALL BY THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO HOLD POWER OVER US!

Bristol Action


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Who are you?

28.08.2001 14:02

So who are all these people who decided to vandalise the police station? Who appointed you to act in this way? What if 'the people' decide that you went too far? Who will pay for the paint to be removed - will it come from the hard earned taxes of ordinary working people? Was this action taken after a night in the pub????

Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards is a wanker

28.08.2001 20:53

Paul Edwards what a guy, defending desecration of a holy Station of the Police takes a whole lot of balls. You have my sincerest respect for your principles bro, I love the authoritarian, fascist tactics of the piggies too, i just can't wait til i get my hands on whoever did that abominable graff or anyone who says otherwise.

badboy bob

way to go

28.08.2001 23:06

that's one way to go. hit them in cover of darkness. destroy all files and information. a sensible response to the driving underground operation performed this summer, and not only at genoa. well done! the other is interesting the passive public in what's going down. needs a little colouring.

dwight heet

Fair play!

29.08.2001 11:17

Fair play to those who did this action in Bristol. I was in Genoa and appalled by the polices behaviour, I wish I'd managed to vent my anger constructively and taken it out against the Italian government. I understand completely why people may have resorted to this type of action. Carefully targetted property damage is a positive action. When people condenm "black bloc" activity they often accuse those involved in property damage of hiding behind the "peaceful majority". The action in Bristol was carried out independently and was, i beleieve a constructive political action.

Sue Smith