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Where now ?...

AnOk-4-U2 | 27.08.2001 22:47


I just watched the indymedia produced G8,Genoa video,I was'nt there,but now feel like i was,to see brothers and sisters in our struggle being treated like jews in the 30s defies any belief that the fascist war ended there.
The brutallity could not have been much worse than it was,the injuries hard to watch,makes me think what now for the future? We can't have hundreds of people who are innocent in their peaceful nature at these protests go down like this,nor can we let these brutal fascist bastards get away with what they have done and will do in the future.
What choice is there ? The choice for people to defend themselves and give as good as they get? (after watching this vid it seems the obvious choice) or , the choice to'peacefully' mass demonstrate , the brutal results shown clearly in black and white in this video.One riot cop can take down 10 hardcore pacifists in 3 minutes,they did it at G8,they won't stop there.
Get thinking people !
peace/strength/each other

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pacifists or not a lot will die

28.08.2001 08:20

They are not going to give up, they control everything.
I'm afraid there will be a blood bath, our blood.

Being a pacifist is nice, for the midde class radical chic types, but in the end it will be a violent struggle. after all they have all the firepower. The black bloc can chuck a few stones and burn a bank or two while we are still in the pretend democratic mode. but once the gloves come off and the hardware is on the streets chucking stones at tanks and armoured cars is a dangerous occupation.
Italy is a role model for the rest of europe, Blair thinks that the italian cops did a wonderfull job . Italian TV has always been total shite , 20 years ago you would not have compared it to british TV, but now there is not so much difference, SKY is media set , berlusconi = murdog , the only thing missing is for Murdog to set up a poltical party with a
name like WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS and using his media empire become prime minister . Hard to imagine ? it was the same in italy , 10 years ago .

I wouldn't rule it out after all Murdog is a bilderberger.

anti pasta

Think again anti-pasta

28.08.2001 15:02

Dismissing pacifists as middle class radical chic is no
discussion at all. One could call any faction something
and dismiss them.

As for, "in the end it will be a violent struggle". Yes, there will be violence. Big question is, more or less? Obviously we aspire to less. If it were possible, none.

So how can we win with the least amount of violence? The key is legitimacy. Right now, the forces of globalization and oppression have still a lot of legitimacy. The protestors have too little. Even among the so-called working class. There are reasons for this, of course. Propoganda mainly. The media in all its forms. But also ourselves. We haven't created our media, although we have started. We haven't created sufficient means to bring information and debate (=empowerment) right down to the community level, into the schools, onto the shop and office floors.How urgent it is to fight on this front!

Right now,if the movement were to decide that violence is the only way, they would be mopped up in two days with the consent of the majority, I'm sad to say. It's legitimacy, you see.

Doing it right has little to to do with violence and a lot with avoiding it.

Imagine the day when 80% of the folks at their office computers, driving cabs and trucks, firemen, nurses and even doctors and cops, realized this system stinks folks.
It would be over with relatively little violence. And if you think of the last couple of decades, it has happened a number of time in just that way.

The movement is young. Youth is governed more easily by rage. Therefore it is that winning has so much to do with winning the battle over our rage as well as our fear inside ourselves. It has also to do with seeing all people as human and just like yourself and therefore with maintaining a middle ground, always, always, always. Otherwise even winning will be a tragic loss.

Spring Hope

imagine ? WTF?

28.08.2001 17:31

Imagine the day when 80% of the folks at their office computers, driving cabs........etc etc
There's no time to merely 'imagine'..that time was over in the 60's when the drugged up hippies were letting themselves be 'programmed'what to think,they wasted their time'imagining'and got NOwhere.
Also when the cops are half beating you half to death in a desolate sidestreet,it's really hard to think,oh well,they are just human,they are my equals...if we thought like that,it would be like greeting a fascist policy of half killing people who think and feel differently with open arms,hey,p'haps you'd like us to kiss their arses as well ??
bah,anarchy now!
the right to defend yourself and the right to defend your rights within these shithole systems!
