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Hannibal Lecter wearing Ronald McDonald mask(pic)

Ronald Lecter | 24.08.2001 23:42

They steal your future, kill your friends,
rape the nature and piss on you.
And they force you to pay them for doing that!

Hannibal Lecter wearing Ronald McDonald mask(pic)
Hannibal Lecter wearing Ronald McDonald mask(pic)

Shut down these murder corporations and
take back your life.

International Monetary Fraud = IMF

World Trained in Organized Crime = WTO

Frequently Tested on Animals and Average people = FTAA

Where Everyone Fucks Anyone = WEF

Graveyard number 8 = G-8

Weird Butchers = WB

Neglect of Youth, Scared and Exploited = NYSE

Ronald Lecter


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25.08.2001 09:22

am i missing the point / humour of that picture?

is it good / gratifying to just sit down and mindlessly spray symbols of the protest movement onto a photo
(presuming by the quality of the workmanship, it was probably done in Paint) to a very limited effect?

sorry, I just don't like what I see as people joining a movement because it's cool to do so.
I see no information, so I can't see it as any effective propaganda tool, all that I see is someone saying phrases, drawing symbols and making a pretty crap photo because they're hoping to attract some attention / respect.

Well you ain't getting none from me.

At the top of this page I'm writing into it says "Guidelines for commenting on news articles", is that really what yours is?



Washington Sightseeing...

25.08.2001 10:10

They shit you.

Mogwai, you can join the Washington Sightseeing if you want.

And I suggest you make a contribution instead of wining on this
wire like one of those clerks inside of that building.



25.08.2001 15:10

i would be interested to know who McDonald's have 'killed'. i'm not disputing it, i'm just curious

Vampire The Buffet Slayer
mail e-mail:

mc donalds killed me

25.08.2001 21:30

Iwas killed by mcdonalds in 1997 i was executsd by lethal injection hanging and firing squad by Ronald for crimes against industry let this be a lesson to you all if you fuck em off too much they will just rub you out
