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bobby israel deaf messenger or whatever

dwight heet | 31.07.2001 21:45

weird things do happen around this guy

why does he repeat his messages over and over? why do they sometimes disappear? why when i posted a message, and he replied with his oft repeated rant, which was followed up with an upload of his own, and i tried to ask him about his posting did i get a 'thankyou bobby israel' reply and no posting of my response? is it hacking or editorial discretion. i'm fairly new to all this and think we should be told.

dwight heet


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it's editorial policy

01.08.2001 02:45

we (the imcuk collective) decided to CENSOR=hide that guy's postings as he attempts to take over the wire a lot... that means we hide everything we see of him as he's abused the imcuk's open posting policy that often that we consider him simply being self-promoting, even if he's antisemitic and ridicolous. so we thought we just hide everything we see of him in the wire after he posts. that doesn't mean it's invisible... we never delete anything. check his postings by searching for his postings (see link below, have fun reading). it's ridicouluos. we just want him to be off the main wire. the guy basically posts things on a weekly basis, mostly on the global ( site who hide him as well, but he often thinks on the uk site is fine to post as he must think he's got a chance with us... if things heat up (as for example genoa) he posts wherever he thinks is public attraction as he's keen for publicity. still, i'd just advise you not to to take him seriously AT ALL. cheers, andi

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01.08.2001 14:27

Dear Readers: "Andiarbeit" is an insecure immature pompous windbag intent on saving his doofus comrades from innocent people who are not opposing him. "Andiarbeit's" own comrades will probablyh hang him on a tree for being their Messiah-wannabe. "Andiarbeit" thinks he is God on earth. Who posted those copies of my article in space #8496. It is physically impossible to post more than two copies unless "Andiarbeit" and associates are interfering with the posting process. IMC is a totally automated process, and this censorship business is more likely than not a bunch of hackers trying to assert their professed intelligence.

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

PS First post attempt should have had ten copies. Not a one went through. This interference can be stopped wherever it is coming from.

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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01.08.2001 14:43

...get a life!



01.08.2001 15:33

... fuck off

Daniel Brett
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