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G8 - the aftermath - eyewitness report - part 2

eddie | 31.07.2001 17:43

see part 1 - please get onto anyone who can make a difference and spread the word



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New tactics for the BB

31.07.2001 19:08

I agree that the BB are a venerable group of political activists and that they are the heroes of Seattle (N30). Unfortunately the police has monitored the BB ever since Seattle and this will make it more and more difficult to avoid infiltration by police "provocateurs". Maybe there is a time for a change in strategy as I fear that the cops know quite a bit about the Bloc right now. I think that in future protest the BB should "arm" itself with "undercover agents", I mean some Blockers dressed in normal clothes equipped with cameras that would film and take pics of the fake BBs and their police friends doing all the crap. That would be some nice evidence of the State's twisted and crooked mind in doing just any criminal offense they can in order to "brainwash" the population. I mean if they can infiltrate the BB in dressing up in black why shouldn't the BB become fony journalists too ! It always takes 2 to play a game so come on Black Block you are smarter than some silly police pigs !
Don't give up the struggle comrades !

AK 47

There is an alternative: the Carnival Bloc

01.08.2001 13:08

The Carnival bloc as a tactic exemplified at J18 in London 1999, S26 at Prague in 2000 or Barcelona in 2001 offers an alternative way to critic and disrupt capitalist social relations without getting locked into a dialectic of escalating physical force between young able bodied militants and the state in the manner of the black bloc or the white overalls. It is highly effective at disrupting and critiquing the 'business as normal' worlds of work and consumption and of liberating social space. It moves beyond the leftist / militant approaches which limit our actions to being merely protests against capital and can incite / excite members of the general population to participate in the collective realisation of our desires for a socially and ecologically just world.


There is an alternative: the Carnival Bloc

01.08.2001 13:13

The Carnival bloc as a tactic exemplified at J18 in London 1999, S26 at Prague in 2000 or Barcelona in 2001 offers an alternative way to critic and disrupt capitalist social relations without getting locked into a dialectic of escalating physical force between young able bodied militants and the state in the manner of the black bloc or the white overalls. It is highly effective at disrupting and critiquing the 'business as normal' worlds of work and consumption and of liberating social space. It moves beyond the leftist / militant approaches which limit our actions to being merely protests against capital and can incite / excite members of the general population to participate in the collective realisation of our desires for a socially and ecologically just world.
