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That Tessa Jowel email address...

Mr F | 31.07.2001 14:50

Here it is... (and here's the itc website address too for good measure)

Go on, tell her what you think!

Even if people just write short stuff, if loads and loads of people write to her then she'll at least know that the narrow mindset she shares with the rest of the Daily Mail's readership is not shared by the rest of society. The government must be made aware of these things. They are out of touch and any little things that people do to correct this out-of-touchness can only be a good thing!

Everyone write her a quick note (or a long well thought out critique, or whatever). Try to avoid swearing - they tend to ignore that.

Mr F
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ITC site

31.07.2001 15:33

Also on the ITC web site, if you follow the links from the "contact the ITC" icon on the left hand side of the screen, is a form designed for on-line complaints about programmes. This form can easily be used to file a letter of support for the programme. So far they have processed 700 complaints, it might be nice to redress the balance a little and prevent the possibility of greater censorship.

Julie-ann Davies
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Brass Eye Talkboard

31.07.2001 18:21

There is a brass eye forum/talkboard at The Guardian site should you feel inclined to leave your comments :)

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Open letter to T.Jowells

31.07.2001 18:49

Dear Tessa,

I am most confused at the different reactions shown by govt towards a television programme that apparently (I haven't seen it) purports to expose the underlying hypocrisy of a govt that is attempting to use this obscene mental illness (that apparently affects about 1000 people in UK?) as a platform for squashing freedom of speech for millions right across the spectrum yet at the same time condoning fascist outrages in the aftermath of the G8 fiasco.

Please read Hugo Young's thoughts on the matter at:-,3604,529962,00.html

wherein he states:-

'In any case, these [govt] interventions seem to be very selective. Confronted by pictures of unparalleled police brutality from Genoa, ministers did not react so fiercely. They seemed to be not at all shocked. Neither as viewers nor as parents did they have anything to say to the evidence before their eyes that young people, including quite a lot of Brits, were systematically beaten up by various branches of the Italian state apparatus. '

We look for a certain consistency in govt which nowadays is hopelessly lacking - perhaps this is the underlying cause of the destruction of the nuclear family by modern expediences of State - a precursor to authorities' holding our offspring as a negligable quantity? To be abused to vent psychotic frustrations? A sick society indeed - rudderless with no real leadership.

Examine the state of children in say Catholic countries or small ethnic community groups - there they are held in the love and esteem they deserve - they ARE the future. Govt would do well to try and understand that rather than attempt endless repression, destruction of all that is healthy and moral, commodification of life's every aspect.

Grim charges against those of you making grim charges? I don't think so. Just look at GATS or your treatment of Third World children - dying in their thousands daily thanks to your 'policies' and 'sanctions'.

Time to examine your priorities, perhaps?


Tony Blair's New Labour government was elected in June with the direct support of less than 25% of the population eligible to vote. (It's now official - 23%) His recent comments at the EU & G8 fiascos on due democratic process and duly elected leaders do not bear scrutiny now these figures are disclosed. He does not have a mandate. This is not democracy.


complain about her

31.07.2001 19:16

Actually complain about her saying rubbish on the news.


My e-mail to ITC & Jowell

31.07.2001 20:09

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my support to Channel 4 and the Brass Eye team for making and showing the all of their material including the latest one on paedophilia.

I personally think any literate person can easily see it is the media and its morbid, hysterical fear mongering, "celebrities" and their rent-a-gob their non-opinions, cynical politicians with their self-serving demagogary and out hypocritical culture in general that is the focus of attack and that paedophilia is most definitely not being laughed at.

The very people who are now whipping up hysteria against Morris are doing far more harm ot the serious discussion of serious matters in the public arena than any program that exposes them for the charlatan, fickle, self-agrandising and deluded idiots they really are.

I find the gross misrepresentation of facts in programs purporting to be truthfull and valid vehicle for new to be far more offensive.

I wish to complain that there is littl epublic access to mainstream television and ask that efforts be made to lower the monopoly control on information distribution.

Censorship is the apparatus of a police state and I do not wish to have my human rights to freedom of expression abused by people who seek only an opportunity to further their own little agendas.

Please keep the public arena clear for open debate and resist the easy option of bowing to the ignorant people seeking to silnce any opinions they do not like- especially the opinions that show them in a bad light.

Let everyone speak.

Thank you for your time,


The blind lead the blind lead the blind

31.07.2001 21:47

Does it get anymore ridiculous- consider an officer from this department appeared in the program??

"Police are today viewing a video recording of the controversial Channel 4 spoof documentary on paedophilia, to decide whether the film-makers should be prosecuted for obscenity"



01.08.2001 15:30

Presecution for "obscenity"?!

What kind of a victorian society are we living in?


If you don't have time to write her a letter

01.08.2001 15:32

then just a quick note will do.

The more negative feedback she gets on this, the better!


...So click on that address!

01.08.2001 15:33

Go on!!!!! :-)

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