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We in the Pacific Northwest express our support for Norman Blair, and you

Susan | 30.07.2001 07:06

We in the Pacific Northwest express our support -- the stories are devastating.

On my Web site, I've been adding stories and photos every day, as a show of support from far away (we live in at the northwest tip of the Pacific Northwest).

The new, organized compilation of stories and multimedia is highly helpful, and I've added the link to every page of my section on Genoa. I'm also glad to see a clear link to fundraising efforts, since I've been trying to find one.

Please visit, and share with us. You have many, many friends here. We've all been discussing the tragedies and horrors of Genoa on many mailing lists. Many of us lived through WTO Seattle, and know just a bit of what you've endured.

Tonight, I added the statements of Norman Blair and his girlfriend to the site.
(click on the photo of Carlo)

The Genoan section:

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