Volunteers needed for Genoa O20
genoaResistence | 29.07.2001 16:59
Looking for volunteers for genoaResistance and the Oct.20th-21st Mobilization in Genoa.
As even the Corporate media is now begining to accept, the activities of the Authorities during the G8 summit was nothing short of a calculated and concerted attempt to terrorize the participants of the recent popular anti-G8 Mobilzation in Genoa.
genoaResistance is planning for a return to Genoa in three months time to demonstrate beyond a doubt that we have not been intimidated.
We are looking for volunteers to help with this effort.
Particularly, we are looking for:
People to help administer the www.genoaresistence.org web site.
Volunteers to coordinate planning among non-English speakers.
People to take responsibility for non-English language parts of the web site (particularly non-Western European languages).
Residents of Genoa to help with local organizing.
People with infrastructure organizing experience, particularly and the like.
People with experience organizing music and cultural festivals, as well as other large events.
People with experience in organizing workshops.
Translators of any type.
General volunteers prepared to be trained in useful skills and able to take responsibility.
For more information email

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