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Luther Blissett | 29.07.2001 14:38

Most of the latest news is going on Indy media Italy
We have all the articles from the UK sunday papers expect the
Sunday Torygraf. the article by,Kevin Myers will be seen as offensive to anyone who was in Genova and their relatives.

We, ourselves, are posting most of the press we find at indymedia italy, there is a lot of italian stuff but also a fair bit of engish. We have translated a few aricles but it's a lot of work, any chance of some translater possee getting on the case ? There is also a big storm brewing in germany ,
the greens are out of their pram and are deamanding an extraordinary meeting at EU level. Could anyone translate some of the German press, it seems very interesting , although my German , pisspore..

PS Berlusconi is like a rat in a trap he looked really nervous on TV last night. i wonder if he might have more
reason to worry then we think.. I really hope not ..

Luther Blissett


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any news on dead/disappeared?

29.07.2001 16:33

rumours are still flying around about the number of people still unaccounted for from genova and also the various people other than carlo said to have been killed, especially a french? woman run over in the protests whose body later turned up on the border, death blamed on protesters' vehicle?

does anybody have any more information about these people? we should know if there are more to mourn than one young man...




29.07.2001 16:50

... talking of Mr TV, and any possible volunteer for italian-to-english, someone has published a link to a downloadable version of "Berlusconi - The President's business", a book that (at least tries to) shed some lights on where this man and his fortune comes from.

the author appeared on TV days before the latest italian elections, and our dear Silvio interveneed with a live phonecall to the program to bark at him.

he and his following have tried in any way to stop it from being published and distributed (as obscene as it sounds, the first editor, the Italian Comunist Party publishers, got bribed into removing the first edition of the book from its list) - the most laughable was a man who went to Fiumicino airport the early ours of the first day of distribution and bought all the copies from the airport bookstore...

as soon as you've read chapter I, you'll understand why they're so adamant that it doesn't get read...

I was at Saturday's demo and found that loads of people still wonder who the fuck he really is and how did he get there - if any of you has a good knowledge of italian and a better command of english that I have, please do all of us a favour, download the pages and translate them for us:

if chapter III is not there, get it here:

... I may have a go at it, but then don't laugh at the translation, ok?!


The Mafia

29.07.2001 17:09

Don Berlusconi is the Godfather, he made his money through, drugs, guns and prostitution like all other gangsters, he's a 'goodfella' a typical wise-guy schmuck, he thinks he's got balls of brass.... "You talkin' a me?" Hey Tony, Tony, Tony, whassamatter wit you huh? You should be sleeping with the fishes, not flirting wit hoodlums like, Georgie Knuckles gettouta ma face and into the trunk, you botherin' me.

Toni Montana

Shoot First, Repress Later

29.07.2001 17:53

It would be a mistake to believe that what happened in Italy happened because Berlusconi and his fascist friends are in power.
The policy consisting in putting the cities where EU, IMF or G8 meetings are held under a state of siege, organising wide police co-operation all over the Schengen area to hunt down anti-globalisation activists, preventively arresting people at the borders or in the places where alternative summits are held (i.e. the arrest of people who have not yet but are suspected to plan to demonstrate), then the en masse deportation of peaceful demonstrators back to their home countries by planes, trains or busses, without any charge being profered and therefore illegally. All these practises have been consistently implemented since the Amsterdam Summit in June 1997. And that was long before any violent groups were present during the demonstrations !
Such repressive policies contradict basic Human Rights as acknowledged by the European States (such as Right to Demonstrate, Assemble and freedom of movement for EU citizens), the European Charta and the Convention on Human Rights, as well as the Jurisprudence of the Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
Such contraventions to these basic rights were registered by the thousands since 1997, with the additional use of firearms in Göteborg and now Genoa.
We believe it is eassential to understand that it is a concerted illegal policy consisting in doing the maximum to prevent the would-be demonstrators to get to the summits, and later attempting to discredit them by association with the violence orchestrated for a good part, as we have seen in Genoa, by police provocators.
The Berlusconi government applied all these measures in accordance and with the support of the other EU Heads of State, but somehow botched it all by over-doing it.
Still there is a deliberate policy to repress by any legal and illegal means the anti-globalisation protests. Including by means of terror (how else can one discribe the repression in Genoa, Salzburg or Göteborg).
The death of Carlo Giuliani is the result of four years of planning: it is the logical if terrible outcome of a policy of repression involving G. Schröder, T. Blair, G. Persson among others.
They should be held responsible !

sebastien springborn
mail e-mail:

reply to... Tony Montana

29.07.2001 22:47

hey Tony, you're right about Berlusca, but I really think you've been watching too much The Sopranos, mate.

get... wise, man
