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London Italian Embassy Demo

28/7/01 | 28.07.2001 18:01

Italian Embassy Demo 28/7/01

London Italian Embassy Demo
London Italian Embassy Demo



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More info please

28.07.2001 23:54

How about a summary of the day's events?



29.07.2001 10:16

Yeah, would be nice...especially since someone in a comment to Sky added that the demo was 'broken up'. How? When? Information please!


Matt S

London Italian Embassy Demo

29.07.2001 14:33

Sorry.... turned up about 2:30pm, loadsa noise, drumming, chanting etc...big police presence - easy day for them with two protests in the same vicinity (Bush protest at US embassy)people back from Genoa spoke of there experiences facilated by van with PA. By about 3:30-4pm people had moved on, I was walking around the area alot - could easily have missed something... will publish mp3 of a speech asap.
