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Luther blissett | 28.07.2001 11:44

Berlusconi is a wanted man, is he the only Prime Minsiter in the world awaiting trial on serious fraud and corruption charges ????

anyone who was in genova last week and witnessed the carnage
is well aware that italy is in the hands of a despot fascist regime, but a lot of people don't know the facts about berlusconi. a series of books and articles have all accused berlusconi of money laundering and of highly dubious practises :

1) Berlusconi's connections with masonic P2 crime syndicate are well documented.

2) berlusconi has faced numerous corruption charges in the past, he uses a tactic employed by the mafia. His lawyers
block the legal process interfere with witnesses and evidence.
Under italian law there is a strict time limit if the case doesn't come to court in five years it's automatically thrown out. Berlusconi's trials always run out of time , he always boasts that he has never been found guilty.

3) if he needs any advice on how the mafia's lawyers operate
it's always on hand as one of his ministers is lawyer to the inprisoned Toto Reina, the Italian authorities would have us believe that he is the BIG boss of all the Mafia.. pull the other one !
4) Berlusconi is due to go on trial later this year , he faces very serious corruption charges . Is he unique as a primeminister ???
5) Berlusconi made his name building an outer suburb of Milan, Milano 2, a massive self contained commercial centre there is a lot of evidence to suggest that this whole project was financed by mafia money, which was pumped in from switzerland.

i could go on all day , all this is common knowledge in Italy
THe Economist published an artcle a couple of months back that asked a lot of questions about Berlusconi's Laundry service for mafia money , the way the money goes from bank to bank , seems like they are putting it straight in the spin dryer. it makes you wonder what berlusconi and Blair talked about behind the scenes at the G8 ......Loads of Money !!

Luther blissett
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