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Italy's regime is getting nervous; translation of Repubblica article

H. | 27.07.2001 19:24

The Italian regime is getting nervous. One of Berlusconi's ministers tries to put the blame for what happened in Genoa on the former government and doing so defines the next step towards complete control by the fascists of the state's institutions. Article from Repubblica translated, sarcasm added.

The Italian regime is getting nervous. One of Berlusconi's ministers tries to put the blame for what happened in Genoa on the former government and doing so defines the next step towards complete control by the fascists of the state's institutions. We didn't have the impression the people coordinating the police violence last saturday were lefties, really. Gleichschaltung, anyone?

A translation of a La Repubblica report follows.

"The top people of the security forces have been chosen by the [former] center-left [government]. That's why I think they should be replaced, because otherwise we get an unclear situation," said Comunications minister Maurizio Gasparri, speaking at Catanzaro. "I hope," he added, "there will come to be a ruling class [sic], in the bureaucracy and in the state administration, chosen by the present government. That way we will be able to bear the responsibility that we cannot assume completely today, because we are not sure the people chosen by the former government are capable or not. Maybe some of them are, and deserve to stay on, and others maybe not."



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27.07.2001 21:54

And what does the Communications Minister suggest he replaces these security forces with? Micro-chipped Cyborgs, programmed to kill? Microwave mind-control technology IS in use, and could easily turn ordinary police officers into maurading maniacs with no conscience, oblivious to human rights or wrongs. "Dead or alive, your coming with me."


Bla bla bla bla

27.07.2001 23:39

What a bullshit by those fascist Italian scumbags. Now they put the blame on the former government. Come on that is the oldest and easiest political trick to hide their real agenda. Everybody smart enough knows that cops are a bunch of undereducated fascist baboons. Hey you can go anywhere on this fucken planet and realize that those apes are all of the same brand. They are just a lot of brainwashed simple minded individuals who don't really know what they are there for. Those fuckers only are there to piss us off and defend a bunch of gangsters and killers of the State. Don't give us this crap about being the fault of the preceeding government and all. Hey mafioso Silvio we all know that you are a fucken mobster and a fascist scumbag and that you and your black shirts are back in power in Italy. Your fucken neo-nazi assholes prepared the butchery last saturday night at the Diaz school in order to show us how strong you are. Well let me tell you fucken gangster that we the people are organizing too and the day will come when we'll shoot back with real arms too. So you can also tell this to all your G-8 club of assassins and the rest of "elected killers" at the mercy of the corporations that we mean business. You'll end up where all fascist bastards like you and Bush and co belong that is against a wall with a few bullets in your "living dead" bodies...
