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Thousands turn out in peaceful demonstrations accross Italy

Loop | 24.07.2001 20:08

Citizens turned out in their thousands across Italy to protest against the events at the weekend in Genoa, G8.

Cities all over Italy have staged sit in demonstrations against the enfringement of human rights and civil liberties that took place in Genoa over the weekend. Many people who had not been part of the weekend demonstrations turned out. The demonstrations were of about 15,000 people in each city and were peaceful. There was virtually no police presence. (In Bologna only traffic police to re-direct traffic!). These demonstrations have so far not been reported in the UK press. perhaps news is only news if it is violent!
See [in italian] for details



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Complain to the BBC

25.07.2001 10:36

I suggest that a quick email to various BBC news outlets complaining at the lack of coverage of non-violent protest wouldn't go amiss. Mention that it could be argued that this attitude encourages violence at demonstrations and that the BBC should be reporting the news, not shaping it. any others that anyone can think of (doesn't have to be BBC, does it ?!?!?!)

Cheers !

Jeffery Archer (...not really...)