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Genoa solidarity demo update

. | 22.07.2001 19:41

Update on the demo currently being held outside the
Italian Embassy in London.

Peope are now being released from the section 60, one by one, onto Davies street, after being searched for weapons. They are also being illegally photographed on the way out.

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legal action

22.07.2001 21:55

I find it disturbing that the police now seem to be using section 60 all the time and then asking for persnal details and photographing individual which they are not suppoed to do. They seem to do this with impunity i.e. theybare not broughtto aacounts by activists using the law.

I would like to go and demonstrate my outrage at the Itlian embassy but am intimidated by such police action. Where do these photo's go to, could they be hanned to the right wing press. I don't want to lose my job.

The ACCU take a much more aggressive line and use the courts proactively why is no such body in the UK.
