Well well, what a surprise! It sounds like what happenned in Quebec city except much worse. They raided the indymedia centre there too. The difference is it seems the Canadian police try not to leave too many blood stains.You never know how it will be next time in Whistler or Banff or wherever they hold it, I guess. Keep up the great work reporting, your story is truly shocking. Remember you are not alone, and your story is being read by thousands. The mainstream press here is obviously getting their story from indymedia, so be proud of yourself.
It seemed to me it look like a Turkish prison after the raided by special police. That time more than 29 people killed by beating, burning and shooting several months ago. And they too told they were searching weapons:-)
Fascists know only one thing. To attack, to torture and to kill. I believe this shows that after this time imperialists will use only violance weapon along with lie about the anti-globalists and provacation. All capitalist media say the same. There were good and bad demonstrateurs, and bad ones attacked the police and all of these happened. Before to forget, they mentioned GSF as good ones , but they attacking everybody.
Comrades my heart with you, please take care of you. Anarchist comrades please try to be sensible, and not to give police an excuse for mass murders. with solidarity
I really believe we are living a changing time. From the flower power people in the sixties to today`s protesters, I finally feel that money oriented politics will surrender to 150.000 people walking on the streets. The narrow-minded so called "democratic" forces are using all their ridiculous power to keep things the way they want. From far away Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I feel very sorry for all the people that got injuried, and ( up till now ) for the one that was shot dead. I wish I could go to Genoa to take part of this historical march. We will win.
We are growing every day. This sickerning violence only shows the world what we already know. By informing people and educating them you are building this movment. You are the key to the revolution and I thank you with all my heart! Keep it up we all need you!!! xxxxx
I see you removed my previous comment, so I'll repeat: The fool who got killed reaped what he sowed. If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be the ones who orchestrated the riot.
Enjoy your fantasy world... who says "indie" is really independant? You're just a tool of the socialists, rather than "big money".
Wonder how long before you censor this, hypocrite.
read what this and other indy websites say in the 'about us' and editorial guidelines sections, that will tell you
this site is not just for socialists btw (er hello?!)
all sorts work on this project including well established freelancers who often find they cannot place their articles with corporate media because they go against the politics of those corporate outlets
telling the truth is a just cause in itself
countering lies and propoganda is increasingly necesary in these times, even if u think the corporate press are not biased they do not have the time or column space / air time to either get the full story / correct details or to present a balanced report of events
allowing a space for alternative views is part creating a more just society
information is dangerous, why else do so many journalists get killed every year across the world by political regimes etc
sky and others injured were in genoa to get the truth out about some of the causes and events unfolding, for this many have paid a heavy price
while other corporate journos have also had severe beatings and injuries they were there getting paid, the imc is made up of volunteers and is independent of political parties, ngo's and is not financed by people who want their agenda to be pushed ahead of facts like some other media
Hide the following 6 comments
sounds like Quebec
22.07.2001 05:10
e-mail: macjulia@hotmail.com
It remind me of Turkish prisons after the rai
22.07.2001 12:44
Fascists know only one thing. To attack, to torture and to kill. I believe this shows that after this time imperialists will use only violance weapon along with lie about the anti-globalists and provacation. All capitalist media say the same. There were good and bad demonstrateurs, and bad ones attacked the police and all of these happened. Before to forget, they mentioned GSF as good ones , but they attacking everybody.
Comrades my heart with you, please take care of you. Anarchist comrades please try to be sensible, and not to give police an excuse for mass murders.
with solidarity
23.07.2001 01:08
Beto Macedo
e-mail: beto_macedo@zipmail.com.br
Thank you
23.07.2001 13:47
Keep it up we all need you!!! xxxxx
e-mail: x_lay@hotmail.com
Hate the truth?
23.07.2001 18:46
Enjoy your fantasy world... who says "indie" is really independant? You're just a tool of the socialists, rather than "big money".
Wonder how long before you censor this, hypocrite.
hey hammer
24.07.2001 09:51
this site is not just for socialists btw (er hello?!)
all sorts work on this project including well established freelancers who often find they cannot place their articles with corporate media because they go against the politics of those corporate outlets
telling the truth is a just cause in itself
countering lies and propoganda is increasingly necesary in these times, even if u think the corporate press are not biased they do not have the time or column space / air time to either get the full story / correct details or to present a balanced report of events
allowing a space for alternative views is part creating a more just society
information is dangerous, why else do so many journalists get killed every year across the world by political regimes etc
sky and others injured were in genoa to get the truth out about some of the causes and events unfolding, for this many have paid a heavy price
while other corporate journos have also had severe beatings and injuries they were there getting paid, the imc is made up of volunteers and is independent of political parties, ngo's and is not financed by people who want their agenda to be pushed ahead of facts like some other media