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Peaceful march attacked by police

Ivan Agenda | 21.07.2001 14:36

Todays unified march containing over a hundred thousand people of all the groups here in Genoa was attacked and broken up by police at the Corso Marconi. This legal march was prevented from reaching it's destination Piazza G.Ferraris.

Police charged the frontline of the march which contained several older people by firing volleys of tear gas into the crowd. The social Forum also came under attack and there were running battles. There was then retaliation and the front of the march split up into an L-shape. Peaceful protesters also came under fire as they stood trapped on the stairs. Much of the group has now decided to head to the North of the city to regroup, although some have remained on the beach and moved backwards.

Ivan Agenda


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21.07.2001 16:09

the 100000 plus march has had to depart 2 hrs early because of the huge numbers arriving to participate with it, many wearing black armbands after the death yesterday - reports said cafod and drop the debt have withdrawen

the initial attack seemed unprovoked around 1330 approx they started firing tear gas when some went just a bit further down the coast road than the official route which should have turned right to the north of the city

rapidly the whole area was gassed with loads some into the area next to the road being used for the convergence space the infopoint tent was hit

before this a few black bloc types were attacked by other demonstrators, later some kind of communists attacked medical team from the noborder netwrok we think because they were masked - the whole black block discussion is going to really run after all this and people must be careful not to just label "black bloc" in the same way the corp media does, but instead talk about the actions of people, anyway on with update

1407 hrs 3000 people arriving by train, loads of coaches stuck in traffic jams

1457 clashes at kennedy convergence coninue, mixed groups inc communists now fighting back against the unprovoked police tear gassing, some windows smashed, people chanting assasin at police

more to follow when time allows

imc in genoa