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Genoa Black Block report Fri 20/7

alien8 | 21.07.2001 12:25

During the past 2 days, the expression "Black Block" has been linked to mindless destruction, splits in the movement, and even "agents provocatuers". This is a report on one of the Black Block demos on Friday, July 20th

Genoa Black Block report Fri 20/7
Genoa Black Block report Fri 20/7

Several hundred people from the park-campsite, east of the media centre, had planned to meet up with a Black Block march coming from the Social Centre Pinelli and then move towards the red zone together. But as Pinelli was surrounded by police and the people in there couldn´t get out, the roughly 300 people from the camp decided to move downtown alone. A powerful, impressive Black Block procession started and met up with a radical unionists demo on Buenos Aires, fairly close to the red zone. Parts of the Black Block targeted several banks and an estate agency, which had their windows smashed. In a side street, other Black Block people attacked a police barricade sealing off the red zone with stones and molotov cocktails. Police responded shooting large numbers of tear gas canisters at the crowd and then coming after the dispersing demo. Battles with the police occured on Corso Torino, which ended with both groups - police and Black Block - retreating and re-grouping elsewhere.

The common march of the 300 or so Black Block people, however, conceals the important fact that there was an important difference between the various groups that took part in the demo - a different political objective which eventually helped to split the group. The majority of Black Block people supported property damage only when it happened against important symbols of capitalism (such as banks) or against transnational corporations with a history of human rights abuses etc. For example, they smashed a window of a Lufthansa office and then wrote "Stop deportation" next to the smashed window (Lufthansa is involved in deporting refugees back to countries where they are tortured and often killed). This part of the Black Block is strictly against damaging small shops or cars. However, there was also a minority of other Black Block people who started to attack cars, shops and other property, mostly based on frustration about the difficulties of getting near the red zone. The first Black Block group did not appreciate this, tried to stop some of the destruction and eventually moved away. Similarly, another Black Block demo later on the day split up when the majority of Black Block activists no longer wanted to demonstrate together with some people who damaged anything and not just specific targets.

When talking about "the Black Block", it is important to define WHICH Black Block we mean. The majority of Black Block demonstrators target specific property but do not enagage in random destruction. Certainly, the vast majority of Black Block demonstrators are NOT infiltrators!



Hide the following 19 comments

Factions, Fractions, and Fact

21.07.2001 13:42

The Genoa Black Block article by alien8 describes a specific microcosm; yet this is mirrored in the general macrocosm. Any group of people who come together for a common purposes only thinly disguises the myriad of personal agendas present. As situations and circumstance become squeezed by Hazard, those personal agendas take on a greater importance... and the inevitable fractionation occurs. This is simply an aspect of the human condition.

"Are you the People's Jewdian Front or the Front of Jewdian People?" as Monty Python observed.

The issue at hand, however, is that the extreme factions become a visible target for the (varying) agendas of the opposition, and the media machines. The loose aliance of the whole becomes (delibereately) tainted by images of the tight extremist factions. In this way, Genoa in a day mirrors the ageless conflicts of the world at large.

Fact and fiction have always been odd bedfellows, each being the flip side of the other. Is it, therefore, any surprise that the facts, such as they are, become twisted into fiction and myth for each side's benefit? And let us not forget that The Global Protest Movement itself thrives on mythos and fiction (which comprise its justification) every bit as much as The Guardian's of Global Capitalism.

And when we have all understood this, the propoganda wars may stop, and the real issues debated. Until then, violence (of all sorts for all sides) will remain the norm.

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This is true so:

21.07.2001 17:17

Exactly, so for those of us who understand how this stuff works we need to be careful not to be like the corporate media and just say "THE Black Bloc", otherwise its just like the newspapers who call everyone at a demo anarchists etc etc.

We must differentiate according to what really happened and say "SOME of the Black Bloc".

Yesterday I came across some of the black bloc who had split from the others, as described by Alien8s article - they were fucked off at the situation and had left to find another group who they could work with in a collaborative and political way as part of the protest.

imc volunteer in genoa

Change the fashion statement!

23.07.2001 09:37

If the "focused" black bloc are so concerned about their image why dont they change their fashion sense and be the grey block or the off-black block!

Then we will all know who the fuckwits are and those who are bringing the downfall of capitalism!


what is the strategy?

23.07.2001 12:53

I am confused about the strategy of the violent protestors at Genova. What was the aim? How was violence likely to bring about this aim?
Issues of globalisation were barely discussed or reported in any of the mainstream news media. The alternative news media was full of 'fascist police' type articles. This was the real news outcome, in spite of thousands of people attending to bring issues of globalisation onto the agenda.
Maybe the violence was caused by young men (like it is everywhere), and was more connected to fucked up romantic aggressive young male sexuality than any politics of globalisation. Maybe the real issue in Genova was testosterone.


Fun and Games

23.07.2001 17:19

From what i have read about the "protests" in italy, all i can say is, this idiot who was shot by the police just got what he tried to get. I havent seen any political transparents, flags or whatever. I saw people that were equipped to and wanted to fight. Thats what they got. I bet his death made it all the more exciting for his friends. Adds to the atmosphere, if you are into fighting and rampage. I dont even judge that, but its exceedingly ridiculous to write "murdered in cold blood by the police". The civilians and most cops didnt want to play this game but were forced into it.

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young men and testosterone

23.07.2001 18:24

You are probably right to patronise militant activists for acting on frustrated sexual impulses. Doubtless these macho young men lack your political maturity and it is obvious that no woman would ever engage in such activities, that would be so un-lady like and would never happen in a group with an equal gender split such as, say, Swedish anti-fas in Gothenburg...



24.07.2001 05:41

i thought the black block stood for unity, and fighting together for the same cause. if one black bloc person is in danger its up to the rest to help this person out.


Cold blooded killing

24.07.2001 14:45

Nigel Martin, the killer farmer got done in the UK for negligently firing a shotgun at pointblank range angainst guys who had broken into his house in the dark, therfore, manslaughter.
So a policeman in daylight shoots some guy twice from pointbank range, surely the least is manslaughter?
I've forgotten the name of the half wit who said the guy deserved it, but really I think not."Appropriate" I think is the justifying word with regards to violence, and twice in the head aint justified, as it is certainly not appropriate.

Paul B
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Serious analysis of the Black Bloc missing.

24.07.2001 15:48

This was posted on the Guardian Unlimted Website today.
I agree the publishers have some interest in smear and discredit tactics, but George Monbiot is pretty spot on in thsi case, and make a very valid point about the potential split between black bloc, womble, farmer and labourer causes. Use your head to make the point!

"The great Islamic activist Hamza Yusuf Hanson distinguishes
between two forms of political action. He defines the Arabic word
hamas as enthusiastic, but intelligent, anger. Hamoq means
uncontrolled, stupid anger.

The Malays could not pronounce the Arabic H, and the British
acquired the second word from them. On Friday and Saturday, while
the white overalls movement practised hamas, seeking to rip down
the fences around Genoa's red zone but refusing to return the blows
of the police, the black block ran amok. "

I do sympathise with the balck block and their choice of int. cap. targets, but they needed a bit of a discipline lesson (from the W.O.M, not the police/military) so as to keep their movement true to their aims and deny mass media the chance to move and discredit.

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Black Block in Genoa

24.07.2001 22:13

Although Black block may be a legitimate group with a political agenda it was hard to see this in action in Genoa.

I felt that these comrades operated to jepordise the ability of the left to organise - we had no idea where they would attack or when or why - and a lot of time was spent strategically legging it both from the police and the black block both of whom were operating in groups throughout the whole town and attacking anything in sight.

I personally witnessed ' black block ' members with the police and I am sure that small groups of police were operating as Black Block. The tactics and politics of the Black Block create a Trogan horse thru which the police can easily operate. I did meet and talk to non Black Block members who had worked with Black Block for a while over the weekend and can sypathise with their idealism and frustration but from the impact they had at Genoa they were counter revolutionary!!
I would like Black Block to declare what their intentions really were and why they couldnt abide with the GSF requests for non destruction of Geonese property.

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black bloc and the police

25.07.2001 07:18

although i would help ANY comrade when it comes to being attacked by the police, i strongly disagree with attacking shops and banks. although frankly its probably justifiable to smash em up, you have to consider the effects of the actions. the propaganda through action idea is correct but it depends on what action that is. people hitting at shops then getting away from the police is a pretty elitist thing that only a few people can do. this helps to alienate people rather than encourage them to join. the media and government would just love to portray protestors as violent that way when they shoot people like in gothenburg and genoa its a lot easier to justify. they arent scared of a few people smashing up shops, they're afraid of a mass movement of people against globalisation and even against capitalism. they know that through violence on behalf of the police and protestors they can discredit them and make them look bad. the question of police influence in the smashing of shops etc is questionable but frankly it would very much serve their interests and that proves a point also that smashing up shops and banks serves the interest of the police not the people against globalisation

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smash capitalism

25.07.2001 08:43 all means...


many of the black block were women

25.07.2001 13:05

the black block didn't consist of just men but also a high preportion of women- i'd say 40%- who were confronting undercover police, smashing capitilist icons and so one... this blows away the old myth that women are more placid than hindu cows and arn't violent and all the smashing and fighting is done by young men with testosterone/erection/barbrism disorder. if u don't believe me watch a hockey match!


why the hell didn't the black block attack!

25.07.2001 13:28

i would just like to vent my fustration at the black block. not for smashing and burning but for bloody running at the first sit of tear gas or a police advance and for not making any attempt at getting into the red zone. i was with the black block on friday and saturday because i had been put under the impression that they were 'hardcore' (for want of a better word) and would force there way into the redzone - panic the g8 and end the meeting. but they never went anywhere near it- infact they rampaged in the opposite direction sometimes! the commonly held view that the black block burnt cars and smashed shops because they were fustrated about not getting into the redzone is not true therefore and so there must be a different reason.
AND another thing;;;; the black block were fantastic at making brilliant baracades of buring bins and cars (fire disopates the gas- does this mean it's still vandalism?) but when the police advanced they wouldn't hold their strong postion but allow themselves to be routed.


smash capitalism any means

25.07.2001 17:02

the above comment is correct but random violence agaisnt the working class of genoa both dismayed those who support us and undermined the strength of the demonstrations.

The main demo, was gassed and gassed and gassed, drop the debt withdrew from the march. I agree with prvious comments the police/ state is not scared of a few idiots smashing shops the G8 leaders were frightened as hell of 200,000 people in unity. The movement will control the state.

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26.07.2001 00:24

our hired minibus from wales was parked among bins than were turned over and some set on fire by anarchist protesters in Genoa last friday. It was not damaged all and neither were ANY of the other private vehicles parked right next to damaged public facilities. The discrimination of the activist groups was impressive. We had travelled to genova on limited funds and needed to return our van intact. Thank you 'Black Block' for your sensitivity.

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Black block 4 dummies

27.07.2001 13:15

For all you people discussing about BB's please check this website and it will be clearer!!!!

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Who writes this stuff?

01.08.2001 13:19

Webel hits it bang on the head. Being a woman, what possible excuse could I have for being in Genova, if it was just all about testosterone?

Do "andy" and "spike" actually believe the stuff they've written? To say that Carlo Giuliani got what he wanted ia a sick insult. Presumably if any one of us had got shot attempting to defend ourselves, or shock, horror!, daring to demonstrate our anger at the brutality of the police, then we too would have got what we "wanted".

Why do some people bother mailing Indymedia when they'd get a warmer welcome at the Daily Mail?



21.08.2001 13:34

As far as concerned to the people who accuse the Black Block as provocators and the ones who destroy a peacefull demostration,I suggest them to take a look at what happened.I was in Genova at Saturday 21 and although i have no conection with the Black Block ,I tell u that they werent the ones who started the fight when the carabinieri start to through the smokebombs and split the demo.But they were the ones that make police to show its real face when police attacked blindly to everyone in Piazza Kennedy and in the next to sea aveneu.I dont agree with the violence but I do agree with the words:"If the Ghandi had a gun he wouldnt be assasined".
And dont Forget that Guliani was a part of this guys and now all call them as their Martyr.Please,we are so different teams,lets not start to accuse eachother,some people had different practical methods that in that point its the symbolic violence and the clash with the authorities.The didnt ask us to follow and they had the courage to fight.And they are the ones who give the message that we are peacefull but untill one point,and we are not going to be slaughtered like the christians.
If u dont agree with them,at least dont accuse them.

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