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genoa murder sequence in pictures

insurgent23 | 21.07.2001 10:46

sequence of events in pictures leading to the death of a 22 yr old protestor

genoa murder sequence in pictures
genoa murder sequence in pictures

R.I.P carlos,
nvr forgotten!



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Murder in Genoa

21.07.2001 12:16

I am truly shocked at these pictures of the murder of a protestor. If the police cannot 'police' without resorting to shooting to kill then they cannot be that which they claim they are ie. public servants.

R.I.P. Carlos. I am deeply sorry for you, your family and friends.

Continue the good fight and oppose global capitalist murderers however you can.

Adrian Simpson
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Death of Carlos

21.07.2001 14:48



Indigenous Rebel from Austin Texas says...

21.07.2001 19:18

Brothers & Sisters, we must not loose sight of our "human-ness." If we are to place blame, for the death of our brother, on HUMAN DISREGARD FOR HUMANITY; then, we must consider the RIGHTS & NEEDS OF THOSE IN THE WORKPLACE. Viewing the events here, I can't help but notice that our brothers appear to be attacking the cop car; one even appears to be in preparation to launch a pipe into the cop car. The police are EMPLOYEES, not diplomats nor policy makers. They're being used here, too. Let's not put our militant authorities "between a rock and a hard place" and then tell them, "We,re patriots fighting for the rights of people." PEACE BE APON OUR SLAIN BROTHER. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

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21.07.2001 20:33

Got exactly what he deserved as pictures 1 & 2 testify. No sympathy. More use of live ammunition would concentrate the minds of those apologists for ultra left horror wonderfully.

The BBC allowing the uncritical broadcasting of propaganda from a mouthpiece of the SWP front 'Globalise Resistance' today was utterly disgraceful.

The only problem is they didn't kill enough of them. Going to a demo tooled for aggro, what did you f*ckers expect !?
The police to roll over & take it ? They wouldn't take it from football supporters in the name of 'progress' & they sure as hell wouldn't do so in the name of 'right on' politics.

If social welfare funded prick was out looking for a job & not rioting he would't have ended up with lead poisoning & eating the tyre of a Land Rover.


Joe Blow
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The REAL violators

21.07.2001 21:37

Mass media tells us everything about how mutch violence comes from the protestors. But the real violators, the authorities, represented by the police are the real violators. They don't only make noise in the streets - They commit coldblooded MURDER!!! In Denmark we think of 18'th of may 1993 and World War 2, when we were occupied by Hitler's Germany

Philip Nunnegaard
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I agree with 'Joe Blow'

22.07.2001 00:46

He got what he deserved, just like the protestors at Tianamen Square got what they deserved. Imagine, wanting the right to protest without being executed! And let's face it Joe, the Jews had it coming to them too - you sick bastard


His Own Fault

22.07.2001 11:29

Serves the twat right. If he hadn't of been rioting and trying to injure or kill the police in that Land Rover then that wouldn't have happened. The Right to Protest does *not* include the right to riot no matter what the bleeding heart lefties on the news say.


what the f

24.07.2001 14:53

oh man i love bringing the holocaust into this, thats brilliant. the germans were acting in self defense because the jews kept hitting them with pipes and fire extinguishers? and only one from among these jews were killed, all the others were allowed to get away with throwing fire extinguishers and injuring police? the truth is, this point would be easier to make if i could just break your goddam nose.

mail e-mail: aslkdfj
- Homepage: dkljf;

killing in italy

28.07.2001 11:08

The police in Italy was doing their jobs ordered by their hidden bosses and the bosses who gave the orders to kill people should be brought to Hague tribunal for International crimes (same as Miloshowitz) and infront of an International jury they should have this event internationaly forecasted.
This was a crime against humanity as well, same as the ones done by the leaders that are on the way to make the labour even more cheaper and sell the same product and goods goods everywhere in the world.
The person killed as I understood was unarmed so this was not done in self defense, they could shoot
his leg or his arm and still have him alive.

It is shameful that an university profesor is justifying the process of killing a human being, but I can only feel sorry for the professor as he seems to be the same as the police, somebody who works for the system..

For the ones who mention that the killed guy was supposed to be looking for work -not to be protesting -I also feel sorry..
These protestors were in Genoa as there was not any other way at this moment to let them express their opinions and if they feel that they are stronf enoufg to challenge the massive and nasty figure that makes decision about their an dour future without ever asking them for any opinion, we can only be proud of them..

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29.07.2001 10:47

well the one photo, of what happened is not there ,but it looks clear he was shot in the head
to protest,is just that,,to make a stand, to say this is wrong,it is not to take out anger on the police,it is not to hurt people.
everyone knows that the police when pushed shoot back,they should never be the target.if you lose sight of that and attact them ,you get shot
the protest loses,the shot guy loses,what was gained,blood on the blood soaked earth once more
efective protest is to hurt them in the pocket's,,not to smash your head into your bullits,

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