picture sequence of murder
CorpMediaSolidarity | 20.07.2001 23:31
Here at my work (in the corporate media) we have been fed today a sequence of Reuters pictures. I don't expect them to be published so I post them here. The pictures clearly show that Carlo Giuliani has been murdered in cool blood. Keep up the fight! Yours in solidarity.
Hide the following 18 comments
21.07.2001 02:16
Homepage: http://www.ecadre.net
Another thing
21.07.2001 03:35
"The pictures clearly show that Carlo Giuliani has been murdered in cool blood."
To me they show a group attacking with deadly weapons, yes steel pipes, boards, rocks & even fire extinguishers can kill & are obviously being used with deadly intent. Looks clearly like self defence to me.
Who is Carlo Giuliani?
21.07.2001 04:32
All we have here are some disturbing photos with no context...
Jesse Reynolds
These pictures don't clearly show anything
21.07.2001 06:17
21.07.2001 06:49
What's happening in London? Are we supposed to stay silent? I don't think so!! I heart rumours of demonstrations at the italian embassy. Where? When?
e-mail: roya@girlfish.net
Not a communist, Death to fascists
21.07.2001 09:21
reactionaries like 'spiker' even more. fuck you. you're as much an
enemy of mine as the cops. a fire extinguisher in the leg of a cop
wouldn't have killed him like a bullet in the head did to Carlos. i
hate scum like you and your apologies for state murder.
we won't forget this. the police are the army of the rich and
in the service of a state, all states, and will always be my enemy.
death of carlos
21.07.2001 09:38
Whatever happened to peaceful protest - the numbers are certainly there?
e-mail: andrew_t@bigpond.net.au
RIP Carlo
21.07.2001 10:38
Angry White Female
Gun is vissible!
21.07.2001 12:11
Sorrow, Solidarity and Rage!!!!
Jacks Draw
yeah right
22.07.2001 02:27
Are we at all surprised. Put yourself in the position of the police. Mobs of people wearing masks throwing objects are trying to kill you. The use of force is unfortunate, but inevitable. What I really want to know is what the hell the 'friend' of that guy is doing, picking up items off the ground while his friend is being run over. He must be a real winner.
I remember in the 1980s we staged non-violent protests against the importation of uranium from Namibia. Today the protests are violent, and it is not at all clear what we are even protesting for.
Mr. Right
e-mail: always@right.com
The Joys of World Wide Communism
22.07.2001 18:31
What the world is being subjected to in these pictures I think is very plain. A Communist anti-capitalist is attempting to inflict damage to equipment belonging to the established Communist, Zionist. Their 'Flying Monkey' goon squads attack at a moments notice and murder, merely to protect a thing. This reminds me of Berlin at the end of WWI when the filthy Spartacists murdered thousands of German citizens because the Student Commie Revolutionaries, taught by Stalins 'Murder Incorporated' saw no other way to change the government. Communisism always works the same way... pressure from above and pressure from below! These pictures tell the same story. May this poor slob rest in peace and may his personal agitators for Zion bear the guilt!
Nationalists of the world stand strong in solidarity! DO NOT get swept up in this lunacy of Communist blood lust. These people do not fight for faith or truth, only for a place at the hog trough of politics. And their politics are terror and the result is... The only winner here is the one percenters of world wide Zionism and these people in the streets fight and murder to help that end. Until this simple truth is realized by the broad masses we can expect to see the iron fist hit harder, and the anarchist cause more mayhem and destruction.
Fix bayonetes! It is going to get worse before the 'Sleepers Awaken!' May God bless and protect my brothers world wide! May the 'Sons of saxon' prevail!
Keith Johnsen
e-mail: uaicms@juno.com
Homepage: http://wdxp.com/ITC/
Woah! Keith is a nutter
23.07.2001 12:38
You are obviously insane. You radio show is laughable. You obviously had a lot of problems as a child and you've never been able to come to terms with them. Did your Daddy and Uncle fuck you?
I suggest you get urgent medical help before you embark on a series of rapes/killings etc. Or maybe you already have.
It is also interesting to note that you can hardly write. Is this the example of the Aryan superman? Illiterate, broken and mad ?
Berlusconi a communist? GW Bush a communist? And you problem with Jewish people...cuckoo!
Sane people of the world
e-mail: aaaaaaa
Homepage: aaaaaaaaa
Doesn't look like self-defense
23.07.2001 22:04
Police brutality is manifestation of corporatist board of dictators insanely inappropriate power.
24.07.2001 22:53
e-mail: suspiria@nihilistassaultgroup.org
Homepage: http://www.nihilistassaultgroup.org
25.07.2001 13:04
No matter what you call it though murder is murder--premeditated or accidental...police or private. Unfortunately the masked potestors make it hard to have wide support because by resulting to violence they made themselves out to be no better than their masked police attackers.
Concerned White Female
For all of those who need more proof
30.07.2001 18:41
now some of you who didnt know what happened in between the above posted pix, know know! coldblooded murder in the name of civil peace!oh right???
e-mail: punkanarchist@hotmail.com
Speaking objectively
21.09.2001 15:59
The running over thing is probably an accident - if you've never tried to maneuver a vehicle with shattered windows under the influence of fear and adrenaline you really shouldn't knock the standard of driving.
I'd say the guy was clearly dead when they ran over him, but they wouldn't have known that. They probably never even knew they'd shot someone for sure until they got debriefed back at base and they won't have been able to see someone lying on the ground from the driving positions, or their positions prone inside the vehicle.
For "Spiker", "Mr. [Yeah] Right" and "Eon"
08.07.2002 02:28
You should not kill. Taking the life of another is the most terrible thing you can do to that person.
Is there a time when you can kill?
One case would be to prevent one person from killing another person or persons. This case is not applicable to our argument, so I'll ignore it.
Another case is to prevent someone from killing you. While killing your attacker is evil, the greater evil is your own death. Furthermore, the attacker's motive is to end a life, your motive is to save a life, namely your own. The problem that arises is that there must be 100% certainty that you will be killed if you do not kill your attacker. To clarify, you have no other option but to kill to save your life. Such a situation is hypothetically possible but extremely unlikely.
Thinking that somone will kill you is not sufficient enough cause to kill as there is the possibility that you will not be killed. Again, you need to be certain that you will be killed and that you have no other option but to kill. If other possibilities exist and you do kill, you would be commiting the greater evil. Thus arguments like 'he didn't know' or 'he didn't have time to make to right decision' are arguments that do not support lethal action.
If there is a 100% certainty that you would be killed, there must also be a 100% certainty that non-lethal force would not work. If there is a possibility that non-lethal force could save you but you kill your attacker, you have ended his/her life needlessly. This is an unjust amount of force and is not right. You have stopped the evil act of your life being taken but have created a greater evil by killing needlessly.
Also, killing to prevent certain or possible injury is unjust as the evil or killing someone is worse than the evil of being hurt by someone. Thus the argument of killing to prevent "grievous boldily harm" is logically incorrect.
In the case of Carlo's shooting death, there is neither a 100% certainty that he would have killed the officer nor that non-lethal force would not have worked to stop Carlo.
It appears from the photo that he was going to throw the fire extinguisher into the rear window of the jeep but this is not certain. Had he indeed been intending to throw it in the window, it could have bounced off the window frame and missed it's mark. There is a possibility that the fire extinguisher could have gone in the window perfectly and killed the officer on the spot or later in hospital. This however is not 100% certain. He could have thrown the extinguisher in the window and caused some degree of injury (from light to serious) that would have been non-lethal. There was also the unlikely chance the the extinguisher would go in and miss the officer altogether (though this is highly unlikely). All of these examples are 'non-zero' possibilities and thus point out uncertainty.
For the officer's part, there were options on his behalf as well. He could have fired at the roof of the jeep to try and scare Carlo off. He could have shot Carlo's leg. He could have put up his hands with locked arms to block the extinguisher (painful, but avoiding pain is not a reason to kill). He might have been able to move out of the way, etc. There were many options available to him at the time.
The lack of 100% certainty that the officer would have been killed and the lack of 100% certainty that lethal force was necessary make the lethal use of force unreasonable.