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Police pre-emptive strikes at campsfield!

wombles | 18.07.2001 22:21

Police pre-emptive strikes at campsfield!

Police are trying to disrupt plans for the 4-day action against campsfield and
This is a bit of a hazy report but heres the Latest report from the underground
crew in Oxford. A few hours ago police cLeared out a aLready existing camp
next to Campsfield Detention Centre. They then erected a metal gate and
have now occupied the Land. Two poLice heLicopters have been circLing the
area and have shut aLL pubs in KidLington from 2.30pm this afternoon. Coach
Loads of poLice have been sported near the detetention centre. ALso Group 4
have shut down campsfieLd, aLLowing no visits and have moved out over 80
inmates (haLf the popuLation of the prison!!). As in Gothenberg and Genoa,
the PoLice are SCARED of us and our intentions. They know that we have the
abiLity to do what we want and when we want it. We must continue with this.
The Underground crew are now working to get another camp up and running,
we need ALL the support we can get!! The action on Saturday WILL go

Keep posted for further information.

Remember we need as many people as possible to be part of our white overaLLs block, please bring heLmets, padding and everyone you know.

CAMPSFIELD - GENOA fighting oppression, fighting for freedom

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Good luck greetings from Genoa

18.07.2001 22:55

The migrants march in Genoa starts tomorrow (Thursday) at 5pm. Today street theatre highlighting immigration and asylum issues ran through the streets interogating people demanding to know where they come from and why they are here :)

A concert by spanish band Manu Chao was held this evening at the convergence space with thousands attending as they urged the liberation of Genoa, supported immigrant struggles and provided free food.

As we here fight for the same issues we wish you good luck in campsfield!

padup pink forlife

revolt against enclosure is everywhere

19.07.2001 08:33

just in case anyone hasn't heard, there's been a
breakout from villawood detention centre in sydney.
good luck to them!!!

Search for 23 Villawood detention centre escapees

A search is continuing for 23 men who have escaped
from the Villawood Detention Centre, in Sydney's

The Immigration Department says it is believed they
fled through the drainage system in the early hours of
this morning.

Department spokesman Chris Reeves says the group
included men from a number of different countries.

"The group of escapees includes four Algerians, five
Somalis, one Pakistani, three Indians, one Iranian,
eight Afghanis and one Iraqi," he said.

"Departmental officers are assisting the NSW police in
the recapture of these people and the department is
conducting an investigation into the escape."

Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock says he is
disappointed the detainees chose to abuse the

"Regretably it seems to me, that it's been a misuse of
a facility that was granted to ensure that they were
able to maintain their religious adherence," he said.

Search under way for detention escapees

Thursday 19 July 2001
Mass break out of detention centre

Staff at the Villawood detention centre, south of
Sydney, are refusing entry to visitors while a search
is carried out for 23 escapees.

Chilean Vlaudin Vega was turned away from Villawood
while trying to visit a Colombian friend despite
arriving during regular visitor hours today.

He said he was given no explanation and would be
asking questions.

The group of 23 men men broke out of Villawood in
Sydney's southwest early today, the immigration
department said.

The men are believed to have escaped through the
drainage system.

A department statement said the group included four
Algerians, five Somalis, one Pakistani, three Indians,
one Iranian, eight Afghanis and one Iraqi.

"Departmental officers are assisting NSW police in the
recapture of these people," the statement said.

"The department is conducting an investigation into
the escape."

Mr Vega said staff at the gate only told him there had
been a problem in the centre.

"I'm going to ask questions, I definitely want
answers," he said.

"People should tell me exactly what is going on. I am
extremely upset.

"The friend of ours that has been there for quite a
few months needs to have the visit, he needs to have
the contact with the outside world."

Detention centre neighbour and mother of four, Sharon
Hancock, said authorities did not inform her of the
escape and she found out through the media.

"They never tell you, no one ever lets you know," she

"It was a bit of a shock when I found out it's a

Ms Hancock has lived next to the centre for two years
and said she was concerned at the second breakout this

"We have been in a lot of different places and you
just keep yourself out of it, I just try not to think
about it," she said.

"If I worry myself over it day and night (the kids)
are going to grow up panicking themselves all the

Today's breakout is the third this year, coming after
14 detainees escaped from Villawood in March and seven
from Woomera detention centre in South Australia in

Refugee Action Collective spokesman Cyrus Sarang said
the men did the right thing by escaping from the

"Good luck to them," he said.

"That is a concentration camp, I've been to that hell.

"Good on them for getting out."

Escaping from the centre was the only way they could
get the government's attention, he said.

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