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Also the nature against G8.

all the work make jack a dull boy | 18.07.2001 20:17

Also the nature against G8.

Also the nature against G8.
From north to south Italy earthquake and vulcanic eruptions against G8.
More close is the start of the G8 more damages the Earth do.
Earthquake in trentino alto adige and vulcanic eruption in Sicily.
The earth is against them.
The earth is against the power.
The earth is against pollution.
The earth is against the empire.
The corrupted empire is against the earth.
So fight them
fight them
fight them
We are the earth.

Where are the BISON?

all the work make jack a dull boy
- e-mail: Also the nature against G8.


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They are coming, watch for dust cloud

18.07.2001 22:23

Then we started for where the bison were. The soldier band went first, riding twenty abreast, and anybody who dared go ahead of them would get knocked off his horse. They kept order, and everybody had to obey. After them came the hunters, riding five abreast. The people came up in the rear. Then the head man of the advisers went around picking out the best hunters with the fastest horses, and to these he said: "Good young warriors, my relatives, your work I know is good. What you do is good always; so today you shall feed the helpless. Perhaps there are some old and feeble people without sons, or some who have little children and no man. You shall help these, and whatever you kill shall be theirs." This was a great honour for the young men.
Then when we had come near to where the bison were, the hunters circled round them, and the cry went up, as in a battle, "Hoka hey!" which meant to charge.

Black Elk