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'The New Rulers of the World' TV Documentary tonight

someone who cares | 18.07.2001 19:03

'The New Rulers of the World' TV Documentary tonight on ITV
by John Pilger critically examines Globalisation

'The New Rulers of the World'
ITV Documentary by John Pilger

Documentary in which award-winning journalist John Pilger
examines the global economy and akss whether governments
have been replaced as world rulers by an alliance of multi-
national corporaions and undemocratic institutions run from
Washington. He shows the conditions in which many of the
famous brands we wear are made, and reveals financial
scandals as well as the growing worldwide gulf between
ruch and poor.

'New Rulers of the World' will be shown on ITV this
Wednesday, July 18th at 10.40pm.


This would be a good opportunity to tell your friends, your acquitances, your family, and anyone else who might not ordinarily be 'interested' in the problem of Globalisation to watch this show tonight on ITV.

It might prove a way of getting more people involved who ordinarily might not bother to read books about it or be otherwise politically active.

PLEASE, *tell other people* about this. It's no use preaching to the converted all the time. We need to grow in numbers. Tell your friends!

someone who cares


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Preaching to the converted

19.07.2001 00:07

I was cheering the good man on until near the end, when either I got tired or he got boring. But it really is no good using platitudes on the bankers. At least they admit they got Asia wrong. Much as I would like to be in Genoa this weekend, I think that some of us should start fighting from within. Starting with taking the World Trade Organisation on its word

someone who doesn't
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19.07.2001 01:02

It was awesome - Pilger kicked ass right through it, exposing the realities of the global economy and putting forward basic humanist points which couldn't be refuted by the evil scumbags like the guy from the IMF. Some people just need a bullet in the head.

Check out the site which accompanies this documentary:

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John Pilger and Independent Television

19.07.2001 01:37

John Pilger and Independent Television

Thank you for your programme “The New Rulers O The World”
The programme was simply the most powerful and profound piece of television that I have ever watched. Hopefully it will play a significant part in exposing the truth about globalisation and be remembered as a milestone in the awakening of the awareness of the population.

Thank you once again for a truly wonderful and illuminating programme.

Mark Wood.
P.S. Why am I paying a licence fee? Haven’t seen this on the B.B.C.!

Mark Wood
- Homepage:


19.07.2001 02:25

Why pay your license fee anyway? Just say you don't have a TV when the people come round - they don't have the power to search your house if you don't give them permission, and as long as the TV isn't visible from the front room window, or you have a great big aerial sticking out the top of your house you'll be OK :-)

mail e-mail:

Excellent stuff

19.07.2001 02:35

It's not often that such a great programme is on corporate TV...especially ITV - usually the only good stuff is late night on Channel 4. That reminds me, did anyone see that documentary on C4 about that revolutionary army fighting for independence from Papua New Guinea? And they did all sorts of cool things with coconuts and stuff. Anyone see it?

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