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'The New Rulers of the World' TV Documentary tonight

someone who cares | 18.07.2001 01:32

'The New Rulers of the World' TV Documentary tonight on ITV
by John Pilger critically examines Globalisation

'The New Rulers of the World'
ITV Documentary by John Pilger

Documentary in which award-winning journalist John Pilger
examines the global economy and akss whether governments
have been replaced as world rulers by an alliance of multi-
national corporaions and undemocratic institutions run from
Washington. He shows the conditions in which many of the
famous brands we wear are made, and reveals financial
scandals as well as the growing worldwide gulf between
ruch and poor.

'New Rulers of the World' will be shown on ITV this
Wednesday, July 18th at 10.40pm.


This would be a good opportunity to tell your friends, your acquitances, your family, and anyone else who might not ordinarily be 'interested' in the problem of Globalisation to watch this show tonight on ITV.

It might prove a way of getting more people involved who ordinarily might not bother to read books about it or be otherwise politically active.

PLEASE, *tell other people* about this. It's no use preaching to the converted all the time. We need to grow in numbers. Tell your friends!

someone who cares


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18.07.2001 01:57

The UK indymedia server must be in the US, since the time is way off. It's officially July 18th here in the UK.

The documentary is Tonight, Wed **The 18th**. I will repost this in a few hours time so people dont see the post dated July 17th and assume the documentary has already been shown.

someone who cares


19.07.2001 14:25

just watched the Pilger programme, saw the effect it had on my politically nieve housemate - I suspect it will have more effect on her buying habits than my grumbling ever did. At times I feel defeated by the magnitude of it all, but tonight I have been fed, and have a bellyful of flaming righteous anger to sustain me through the next round of actions. And I know that this programme will have awakened many viewers who always suspected something was up but couldnt quite get a handle on things. The truth could not have been spelled out more clearly.
