The cancelation of Globalise Resistance train to Genoa
zuky serper | 17.07.2001 17:30
n a press conference today at 18:00 in the Genoa Social Forum media centre Chris Neinham of Globalise Resistance, together with ATTAC France and Italy, denounced the attempt of French government to stop peaceful protestors from coming to the demonstrations in Genoa in the coming weekend on a train from London.
Today, in the afternoon we heard about the cancelation of Globalise Resistance train to Genoa. In a press conference today at 18:00 in the Genoa Social Forum media centre Chris Neinham of Globalise Resistance, together with ATTAC France and Italy, denounced the attempt of French government to stop peaceful protestors from coming to the demonstrations in Genoa in the coming weekend. He was reading the following anouncment:
"To: Jean- Claude Gayssot
Minister of Transport
Paris, France
We, the undersigned, have learnt with outrage that SCNF have been ordered by the French Minister of Transport to cancel the Globalise Resistance train, taking 500 peaceful protestors to Genoa. We have been informed that SCNF were told that they must cancel the train following a high level meeting between the Italian authorities and Jean- Claude Gayssot, the French Minister of Transport.
The agreement had been signed by both SCNF and Globalise Resistance and the train had been paid for. We view this intervention by the French Government as a gross violation of human rights and democracy. Our movement is precisely about the right of ordinary people in todays globalised world. By taking this action, the French Government is showing contempt for the basic rights of ordinary people. We will not let freedom of movement be restricted in this way.
Our organisations, which represent thousands across the world, regard this illegal intervention as a massive attack on our whole movement. We demand that the decision is immediately reversed and we will campaign internationally until the train is reinstated."
This is the open letter from Genoa. A delagtion of Globalise Resistance and the GSF is protesting in front of the French Consulate in Genoa with the demand to let the train pass through France into Genoa in Italy.
"To: Jean- Claude Gayssot
Minister of Transport
Paris, France
We, the undersigned, have learnt with outrage that SCNF have been ordered by the French Minister of Transport to cancel the Globalise Resistance train, taking 500 peaceful protestors to Genoa. We have been informed that SCNF were told that they must cancel the train following a high level meeting between the Italian authorities and Jean- Claude Gayssot, the French Minister of Transport.
The agreement had been signed by both SCNF and Globalise Resistance and the train had been paid for. We view this intervention by the French Government as a gross violation of human rights and democracy. Our movement is precisely about the right of ordinary people in todays globalised world. By taking this action, the French Government is showing contempt for the basic rights of ordinary people. We will not let freedom of movement be restricted in this way.
Our organisations, which represent thousands across the world, regard this illegal intervention as a massive attack on our whole movement. We demand that the decision is immediately reversed and we will campaign internationally until the train is reinstated."
This is the open letter from Genoa. A delagtion of Globalise Resistance and the GSF is protesting in front of the French Consulate in Genoa with the demand to let the train pass through France into Genoa in Italy.
zuky serper
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