"Mad Dogs and Englishmen"
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 16.07.2001 20:14
The removal of my second comment after "Liars, Thieves, Murderers, and More" Id=6939 have left "Daniel Brett" and "Tony" with the "floor" over there, making it look like their professed "intelligence" has won something.
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Stop complaining and go elsewhere
16.07.2001 23:04
You might have noticed that people rarely respond positively to your articles - does this suggest to you that this is not an appropriate place to post them?
I personally trust the site administrators to decide which articles should be hidden, or 'censored'. If I didn't and thought there was some kind of editorial conspiracy, I would'nt bother checking the site again. I suggest you act the same - find a more appropriate forum for your views - you might find it more fulfilling than complaining about this one all the time (unless complaining about this site is your main fulfilment, in which case they are right to remove most of your posts).
Chill Winston!
17.07.2001 08:36
Why all the vitreol?