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Undercurrents video reporter hospitalised

undercurrents | 15.07.2001 14:30

An Undercurrents reporter was attacked by a private security guard during a protest against GM crops.

We are still awaiting full details but on Saturday, Ken Moon, an Undercurrents video reporter was attacked by one of three security hired by a GM cropfarmer. While filming activists destroying a GM crop in North Wales, the hired thug threw 23 year old Ken and his camera over a gate. Ken has been based in the Undercurrents office in Swansea reporting on the growth of Organic farming in Wales for the last six months.

Ken has been taken to Hospital by ambulance and treated for injuries to his pelvis. The extent of his injuries is not fully known at present.

Full details will follow.

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security scum!

15.07.2001 22:47

i think they arrested about 23 people in the end


lets have the details

16.07.2001 02:41

lets 'ave all the particulars name of farmer name of security firm and who's the boss off said firm ??

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