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Climate Change Protest July 14th.

Matt S | 14.07.2001 19:29

There was a march against the US stance on global warming today in London, called by the Green Party.

Not much to report really; all in all perhaps 150 to 200 people turned up. The march started at the US Embassy after a lot of speeches, and became a little more lively as time wore on, although the chanting was sometimes a little lacklustre. We did however march past Hyde Park, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square etc so we raised a little awareness, and members of the Green Party presented petitions at 10 Downing Street. It would, of course, have been a lot more effective if there had been more people, so I urge everyone who can come to attend the Bush Unwelcoming Party on Thursday 17th July (12 noon at Trafalgar Square and 7 pm at the US Embassy) and the march against Climate Change on the 28th. We need numbers...come and tell Bush what you think of him!


Matt S
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15.07.2001 09:34

Do you mean Thursday the 19th or Tuesday the 17th.



15.07.2001 23:21

Thursday 19th...apologies.

Matt S
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