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The Essential Festival

Biff | 14.07.2001 00:40

The Essential Festival is an injustice

I can't believe that nobody has picked up on the injustice of the Essential Festival. Basically this takes place on a piece of land called Hackney Marshes which, last time I checked, was common land. This means that, according to various acts and laws (yes, people did at one time set laws which were supposed to be good) nobody can set up any kind of barriers or drive vehicles onto this land.

To the majority of people this might not seem a big deal, but to people llke us, living in the middle of london, this kind of land is crucial. And it is being taken away by a bunch of corporate dance scum like stereo mcs etc.

We have to start with our own local areas. That is the most important thing,.

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Maybe Im wrong...

14.07.2001 22:31

.....But wouldnt that then apply to lots of the festivals too, such as Reading, etc? Just wondering. If its common land, then legally ya houldnt have to pay to enter it, therefor - free show! Works in theory, anyway ;-)

Volocity Girl

the other week in oxford

15.07.2001 13:17

there was a big concert in the park in oxford the other weekend including Radiohead...

some nice folks climbed into the trees outside/above the security fences and hung various campaign and group banners up for the assembled crowd inside the gig to see - several had web addresses on them (cool idea - should be done in london!)

only the gig security boys really didn't like this and said the banners would have to be taken down, they couldn't stay up in the trees because the people putting them up.... wait for it.... HADN'T PAID FOR ADVERTISING!!!!!

ignoring the replies from tree folk that this was their local park and that they climb the trees every weekend the security pulled some of the banners down with ropes
