Quatar or Geneva in November which is nearer?
HQ WTO | 13.07.2001 02:12
Le quatar est un pays de monarchie absolu ou il sera très difficile d'organiser des manifestations. Mais le siège de l'omc se trouve à Geneve. Ainsi en plus des actions (manifs,grèves,sabbotages,blocages etc...) Il serait interessant de s'attaquer à ce symbole detestable ! alors ceux qui peuvent Geneve en Novembre !
La prochaine réunion ministerielle de l'omc se déroulera au Qatar du 5 au 9 novembre 2001, seul pays à être rester candidat.Le Quatar est un pays de monarchie absolu où les partis politiques ainsi que les syndicats et de même que toutes sortes de contestations est interdite. Il sera donc très difficile d'organiser des manifestations là bas (c loin ,cher etc...) .Il nous faut donc trouver une alternative.
Ainsi de nombreuses propositions on déja été faite, des actions telles que une journée mondiale du raz-le-bol (sick day), une grève général mondiale, des blocages des principales places boursières ou des ports, voies de distributions, sabbotages ou ralentissement sur les lieux de travails, des actions coordiner à travers le monde contre des entreprises comme novartis, nestle &co. (bruler des champs ogm à plusieurs endroits dans le monde en même temps), des manifestations conséquentes dans tout les pays sont en voie d'organisation. L'idée de toute ces actions est de montrer notre desacord avec les politiques économiques mondiales menées . Le but est double, d'une part un ralentissement majeur de l'économie mondiale ainsi que de rendre le 5 Novembre 2001 une date Historique.
En plus de toutes ces actions, iI serait interessant de se réunir à Geneve où se trouves le siège de l'omc et de s'attaquer à ce symbole detestable ! organisez notre résistance partout sur le globe et ceux qui peuvent Geneve en Novembre !
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It's not one or the other but ALL EVERYWHERE!
13.07.2001 10:00
The quatar is a country of absolute monarchy or it will be very difficult to organize demonstrations. But the head office of WTO is in Geneva. Thus in addition to the actions (manifs, strikes, sabbotages, blockings etc...) It would be interessant to attack this symbol detestable! then those which can Geneva in November! The next ministerial meeting of WTO will proceed in Qatar from the 5 to November 9 2001. Quatar is a country of absolute monarchy where the political parties as well as the trade unions and all kinds of dissent is prohibited. It will be thus very difficult to organize demonstrations there (so far, expensive etc...) It is necessary for us thus to find an alternative.
Thus there are many proposals one could make, of action such as a global call in sick day, a global general strike, some blocking of principal place stock exchange or some port, sabbotage or go slow in places of work, coordinated action throughout the world against some company like novartis, nestle etc. The idea of all these actions is to show our disgust with the world economic policies. The goal is double, on the one hand a major slowing of the world economy and making November 5 2001 a historic date. In addition to all these actions, it would be interessant to meet in Geneva where are the head office of the wto and to attack this symbol! organize our resistance everywhere on the sphere and those which can Geneva in November!
I like the idea of comming in the back door..
13.07.2001 16:22
John Smith
Affinity groups needed now!
13.07.2001 16:36
Whilst we discuss and argue about where and when to fight these institutions we should continue to organise ourselves into affinity groups, small groups of trusted friends that can work autonomously on any action they chose. By building these networks now we can help each other train and keep up to date about the issues at hand, without having to wait for the 'official' go ahead. As a movement we work well as small affinity groups, communication with other groups will come through sites like this and other e-mail list that change all the time.
And in the run up to these global days of action that are great to show our combined strength, we should continue to work in our local communities, doing direct action and community building, letting people know why we are angry and passionate about these issues.